How to unlock flying in WoW Cataclysm Classic

When Cataclysm Classic launches on May 20, players will be immediately available to fly (almost) anywhere in World of Warcraft Classic, which is bit differently than how flying worked in Burning Crusade Classic and Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Instead of being locked behind max level and an ungodly currency sink, most WoW Classic players can easily access the flying trainer to help them traverse through a different Azeroth.
Here’s how you unlock flying in Cataclysm Classic.
Learning to fly in Cataclysm Classic
Once a player reaches level 60 and they have the Expert riding skill, they can buy the Flight Master’s License for 250 gold to be able to fly in the Cataclysm Classic zones (Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Deepholm). The Flight Master’s License can be purchased from a Flight Trainer in each captions capital city and you’ll get a 5% discount for each reputation level you have with your main faction, Alliance or Horde, up to 20% once you reach Exalted status:
- Bralla Cloudwing in Stormwind
- Maztha in Orgrimmar
Keep in mind, this is only for Cataclysm Classic zones. Flying in Outland only requires the Flying skill which is already unlocked, but if you want to fly in Northrend you still need to separately unlock the Cold Weather Flying skill. Once Cataclysm Classic arrives, you can unlock it more easily than you could in Wrath Classic by training with any of the three flying trainers in Northrend as long as you are level 68, have the Expert riding skill, and 500 gold to pay the trainer for their services. The only places you can’t fly in are the starter and secondary zones from BC Classic for the Draenei, Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle, and Blood Elves, Eversong Woods and Ghostlands.
There will also be a new flying skill level in Cataclysm Classic, Master, which also changes how the fast mounts under the previous skill level can travel:
- Expert (level 60) — 150% flying speed
- Artisan (level 70) — 280% flying speed
- Master (level 80) — 310% flying speed
It’s likely all of the riding trainers will teach up to the Master riding skill in Cataclysm Classic like they did during its original release.
New flying mounts in Cataclysm Classic
There are also a variety of new flying mounts you can earn in Cataclysm Classic from different activities and surprise, most of them are dragons!
Open world and activity drops
- Sandstone Drake — Canopic Jar (Archaeology and Alchemy)
- Canopic Jars can be found once you reach Archaeology skill 450. They have a chance to contain the Recipe: Vial of the Sands which needs an Alchemy skill of 525 to make.
- Phosphorescent Stone Drake — Aeonaxx in Deepholm (Rare Spawn)
- Drake of the North Wind — Altarius in The Vortex Pinnacle (Dungeon)
- Vitreous Stone Drake — Slabhide in The Stonecore (Dungeon)
- Drake of the South Wind — Al’Akir in Throne of the Four Winds (Raid)
- Pureblood Fire Hawk — Ragnaros in Firelands (Raid)
- Experiment 12-B — Ultraxion in Normal and Heroic Dragon Soul (Raid)
- Blazing Drake — Madness of Deathwing in Normal and Heroic Dragon Soul (Raid)
- Life-Binder’s Handmaiden — Madness of Deathwing in Heroic Dragon Soul only (Raid)
Vendors and factions
- Drake of the West Wind — Quartermaster Brazie, Baradin’s Wardens
- Costs 200 Tol Barad Commendations and Exalted status with Baradin’s Wardens
- Volcanic Stone Drake — Glory of the Cataclysm Hero
- Corrupted Fire Hawk — Glory of the Firelands Raider
- Drake of the East Wind — Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
- Twilight Harbinger — Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider
- Flameward Hippogryph — The Molten Front Offensive
- Dark Phoenix — Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider
Learning to fly in Cataclysm Classic is much cheaper and relatively easier than it was in previous Classic expansions but players who are also starting a brand new character get the added benefit of many new flight paths in zones, reducing the inherent pressure to get flying immediately. There are still a number of cool mounts to get in when Cataclysm Classic releases and we hope to see you in the skies when it does!
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