The Queue: Is this a Riddle Queue?

I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I don’t know this one! ☹️
We’re five little items of an everyday sort; you’ll find us all in ‘a tennis court’. What am I?
There aren’t enough vowels in the alphabet for me to express how much I hate riddles.
I have a head like a cat and feet like a cat, but I am not a cat. What am I?
STILL WITH THE RIDDLES?! Are you kitten me!? So annoying!
What starts with an e, ends with an e, and only contains one letter?
So creative. 🙄 We’re really pushing the envelope with these riddles now, aren’t we.
If I have two coins totalling 15 cents in my pocket and one is not a nickel, what are the two coins?
OHMYGOD I’m not doing riddles anymore.
Instead I’m gonna tell you guys about a dream I had last night. Nickelback was looking for a new guitarist. You know who joined them?
Dimebag Darrell.
Yep, Dimebag with Nickelback! Can you imagine?!
If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?
Okay, I’m really tired of riddles. For Yogg’s sake, let’s talk about videogames now.
You guys ever play the original The Legend of Zelda from 1987?
Are there any little known games that you really loved and recommend? I’ve been on a bit of an indie bender recently, and it’s satisfying to find gems. :D
I have a few!
GNOSIA is like a single-player version of Among Us, if you can believe that. It’s sort of like a visual novel combined with a social deduction game; you’ll go through many loops trying to figure out who’s lying, while slowly uncovering the plot behind it all. It was easily one of my favorite games of 2019!
Dorfromantik is a super relaxing puzzle game where you build villages by placing pieces on the board so that they net you as many points as possible.
Jack Move is a neat little cyberpunk-ish JRPG-style turn-based game with a really nice battle system. You might enjoy it if you’re into JRPGs as a whole and want something short and refreshing.
ANNO: Mutationem is another cyberpunk game, but this time it’s an action-adventure game with RPG elements. It has a really beautiful art style that mixes 2D sprites and 3D environments, and a compelling world and characters.
1. Do you usually try to play a good/kind character in games, when given the option?
2. Do you find that the game itself influences how you see what’s good/kind in its setting?
1. Yes. I always feel bad when I do mean things in games.
2. To an extent. If I’m playing something like GTA, there are times when I just feel like blowing everything up and killing indiscriminately — but when I do so, I usually go full “sandbox mode.” That is, I don’t imagine that it’s my actual character doing those things; it’s more like I’m playing with action figures. But in general, no matter the game, I just don’t find it enjoyable to play an evil character and run around doing evil things.
If you could choose one Persona 3/4/5 character to show up in Persona 6 as a mentor character whom would you choose?
Futaba Sakura. She’s probably the smartest party member we’ve ever had in a Persona game, and she feels like the perfect mentor. I can totally see her supporting the main crew from behind a supercomputer, Professor X-style. In fact, I’d love to see that.
This has not been a riddle Queue. I don’t know where you guys get these ideas.
In a completely unrelated segue, here’s an enigma (I like enigmas!) for you lovely readers:
On wrists I rest, counting down time,
Till all that we see is wind, frost, and rime.
My hands move steady but never escape.
For the land shall be covered by an icy drape.
Tick-tock, snow falls — but no need for dread:
I’m the silent herald, warning ahead.
Seek shelter now from the cold’s fierce bite!
Time will soon come for winter’s full might!
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