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Overwatch 2Jul 9, 2024 2:10 pm CT

When does Overwatch 2 Summer Games event start in 2024? It’s live now!

Who’s ready to sit by the pool and sip a drink with a paper umbrella? I, for one, was born ready. I am also ready to sit indoors, in front of a screen, fully enjoying the Overwatch 2 Summer Games event, which is perfect timing, since Summer Games is live now! It started July 9, and ends July 30.

Summer Games 2024 lands in the heart of Season 11. Last year, however, the event only ran for two weeks instead of the usual three. With the actual Olympics starting in Paris at the end of the month, it’s a perfect time for an extended event, with plenty of summery sports modes to play in the Arcade. There are a number of different Player Icons and Sprays to earn by playing Lucioball, Lucioball Remix, or Winston’s Beach Volleyball. Keep an eye on the Event Challenges tab to track your progress toward each new milestone. Keep both eyes on it, as a matter of fact — the Transformers crossover event started the same day, though that one is slated to end sooner. That event has a lot of tantalizing rewards to earn, including titles, and Battle Pass XP is always worth a look. Plus, you’ll get to double dip on your Transformers challenge completion — all of which are straightforward “play a certain number of games” unlocks — by playing the Summer Games modes in the Arcade.

And of course, no Overwatch 2 event is complete without items to buy in the Shop, and several years’ worth of Summer Games items has made this event even more appealing. Many of them you can purchase with Credits on each Overwatch Hero page, rather than waiting for them to roll around to the actual shop front. However, some of the more popular skins — the Lifeguard skins showcased in the Event page splash art, for instance — aren’t available unless they’re currently on your shop page.

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