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The QueueMay 28, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: taking the bait

I feel like I’ve honed my skills at avoiding obvious bait on the internet. I don’t participate in memes designed to weasel out security questions. I don’t respond when people ask about the best music or movie or book in this genre or that decade, especially if the question is phrased in a way that ignores whole demographics. But there’s something about the Patient Scout I just cannot resist. Sure, the last dozen times I grabbed him, he gave me absolute garbage for a build I’m not even trying to pursue, but maybe this time…

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us questions and we will, if nothing else, optimistically assure you we’ll give you some kind of answer (of questionable validity or thoroughness, but optimistic).


What happens to Timerunner chacacters that don’t reach max level before remix ends? Do they still become retail characters at whatever level they are?

Also, why did I make 4 more Timerunners, when I still haven’t gotten the 2nd to max level?

tl;dr: Yes. It should be a 1:1, ie, if you hit level 10 in Remists you’ll get a level 10 on Retail. Since Remists is slated to end well before the prepatch, let alone TWW, any wibbly wobbly from additional level cap should be negated.

As to why you made extra alts, that’s between you and your particular variety of brain worms.


QftQ: When is Blizzard going to turn off the Invoker and Plate leggos in TWW?

1) 79th level
2) 75th level
3) 71st level
4) 1 xp after 70

I’m going to guess that they’ll probably turn off the bonuses at level 71, but they’ll still allow the pieces to be equipped, and gradually fall off in effectiveness until they can be replaced by some crummy green quest reward around level 78. That’s generally how things go — they don’t want you to keep using them forever, but usually they add in those fixes during the pre-patch, and it would suck to have your Legendary suddenly suck and you have no real recourse for a couple months in the meantime.


Q4tQ: do you think we’ll see Legion Remix next, or another expansion? I’m thinking Legion because it’s still a major fan favorite, and I don’t think WoD Remix would go over as well.

I think Legion is the safest bet of all of them to Remix, simply because of the long-term gearing (and improvement) mechanic, which follows a similar idea to the cloak. We didn’t really have anything like that in WoD. Though we did have the Azerite necklace in BfA, compared to our Artifact weapons, it was kinda lackluster and boring — the upgrade tree was neat, and it’s somewhat similar to Threads, but it’s not quite as exciting or transmoggable, compared to the Artifacts.

I’d also bet that in Legion Remix we’d get to and through Suramar City and the Thalyssra upgrade chain far faster, which is just icing on the cake.

I would also consider a Wrath Remix to be on the table from a popularity standpoint alone. Of course, they’ve already done Wrath Classic, so that makes it slightly less likely, and there isn’t an existing element associated with that expansion so they’d have to make one up. I’d love to see it, though.

That’s the Queue for today. Please let me know I’m not alone in chasing the glory that is the Patient Scout.

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