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The QueueJun 3, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Nobody here but us chickens

Bawk bawk bok! Cluck, bok — cluck!


Buc cluck bawk bawk, cluck bakok buk — bak bawk!


QftQ: I haven’t had time to do a whole lotta Mists Remix yet, but from what I’ve seen, overall it’s been pretty good for the game and Players. What are some lessons for future Remixes, things they could improve on, or just do differently?
In all honesty, considering they had a relatively small team working on this Event, it’s worked out really well.

Bawk ba-gawk!

Cluck…. just kidding, I can’t do chicken noises for a whole Queue, that’d be ridiculous.

I think that the biggest lesson that any future Remix learns is to have a good idea of what the whole point of the experience is. With Remists, we saw some people jump to early power spikes by farming frogs and other easily killable critters. This left them way overpowered and skewed the whole balance of the game mode. So much so that Blizzard nerfed any player who was deemed to have engaged in the frog massacre. Putting aside the issues around the time between the frog farm being hotfixed, and the players getting nerfed — I thought that the whole point of Remists was to be overpowered gods that could solo things in the content that would’ve been impossible in the original version of Mists of Pandaria.

It’s not just frog farming that is an outlier, we saw a hotfix get implemented and then reverted that tweaked the endgame scaling — so much so that players were taking off pieces of gear to lower their ilevel so that the bosses were easier. With PVE content that’s supposed to be something that you can eventually trivialize to get the fancy rewards in a limited-time event, I don’t know why they’re trying to fiddle with the balance knobs like this. I can certainly understand wanting to keep PVP balanced in it, but for dungeons and raids I don’t see any issues with players who want to go super hard on farming getting an advantage.

Especially since Remists will end in a little while and those characters will lose all of those fancy powers when they get folded into the retail version of Warcraft — let them have their fun I say!


How viable do you think it’d be to live on a boat?
Keep in mind that I live in a country that freezes over for six months a year.

As long as your boat was insulated… maybe you’d grow to look forward to winter since you’d get less rocking when your boat is frozen into place!

I think as long as you get a nice boat, and have the money for the upkeep you’d probably be alright. People can live in all sorts of spaces and we’ve seen lots who’ve made their living by documenting their time living in fancy camper vans. However, I’ve also heard that as soon as you put anything into the ocean/lake, it starts getting destroyed. A new set of tires and some rust-proofing for a van is one thing, but replacing a damaged hull might be a whole different financial burden. Not to mention if you spring a leak and don’t notice soon enough, you might be looking into a nautical salvage team instead of a tow truck.


There is one change i would like to see them make with Diablo 4. Stronghold progress needs to be account wide, especially when there’s dungeons that are blocked until you open up the stronghold its a part of.

On the one hand, it is really annoying having to unlock things again each season. Between the Strongholds and the handful of waypoints that get forgotten, there is some world exploring to do.

On the other hand, it didn’t take me very long. So I wasn’t that put off by it, especially since they were good sources of experience while I was still getting my Barbarian up and running.

Though, if we’re going to have to reclear them each season, I’d like to see the seasonal content get tied in with them in some way.


Currently in a HSBG game with both Grumpypants and Shinypants.
Q4tQ: what would be your pants name?

Here are the options that I came up with in a few seconds.

  • Funnypants
  • Ridiculouspants
  • Sillypants
  • Goofypants
  • Smartypants

I’ll leave it up to y’all to decide which of those — if any — describe me best.

“Oh, did you want to use these?” You can have some luck this week, but only if you don’t disturb Bacardi by trying to take his pillow.

Today’s Anna Earworm™: In The Air Tonight

Have an excellent Monday everyone! You can help to make sure that Anna has an excellent day too by leaving her lots of questions to answer.

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