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Diablo > Diablo 4Jun 9, 2024 4:49 pm CT

We’re finally getting pets in Diablo 4, and you can log in now to claim your goodest boy in Kyovashad

This is not a drill — pets are finally joining the feature roundup in Diablo 4! Log in to claim your very own goodest boy from Kyovashad — yes, right now with the 1.4.2 hotfix! Let’s chat more about this feature we’ve all been dying to have since D4‘s launch.

First, important stuff: All you have to do to get your free doggo right now is log into the game and head to Kyovashad. Talk to the Well-Behaved Dog and poof. A new canine buddy is ready to summon from the Wardrobe, with more available immediately when you purchase Vessel of Hatred. Pick up the expansion now, and you can also add Alkor the Snow Leopard (standard edition), Hratli the Canine (deluxe edition), and Natalya the Tiger (ultimate edition) to your new stable.

Diablo 3‘s pets are a fantastic feature — originally following your character to pick up gold. This functionality was expanded through the recent inclusion of the Altar of Rites. Thanks to two Altar nodes, your companion pets can both pick up Death’s Breaths and salvage non-Legendary gear automagically, saving you tons of bag space at the Diablo 3 end game. And there are so many available to collect.

Well, the Diablo 4 iteration is already starting out ahead of the game. Pets “aid in gold and material pickup” right off the bat. This is fantastic — I can’t even count how many times I’ve run around wildly in early seasonal gameplay because that initial gold is so important for working with gear.

The fact that we’re also getting one for free today is both excellent news (no farming!) and beautifully timed for the anniversary events. Our adorable new doggo, Asheara the canine, will accompany us on our very critical adventures of running around petting literally every cat and dog we come across — oh, and probably murdering a lot of demons along the way, but you know, that’s how we give Asheara something to do! Heck, you can interact with your pet the exact same way as cats and dogs in Sanctuary, using the “Hello” emote.

I was excited when we got the wolf pup backpack for participating in the open beta, but this? This made my entire weekend. Now log into D4 and head to Kyovashad—Asheara, the goodest doggo, is waiting for you.

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