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The QueueJun 17, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Crickets

Man, this was a slow weekend for the Queue! Is it nice outside or something? I know that where I live there are lots of people really tied up in the whole hockey situation, and I guess Father’s day must’ve had a hand in it too…

Weird! Time for the Queue.


Q4tQ: Do you ever type up a Q4tQ, notice it is new Queue time, and then just abandon that question?

Nope! There’s nothing saying you can’t ask that same question in the next Queue. Maybe I’d have a had a perspective on whatever you were going to ask Liz that would’ve surprised you!

Guess we’ll never know now though.


Warcraft Tweeted: Which class would be most useful IRL?

I’ve thought about this for a minute and it’s likely Druids. Now this isn’t quite my own inherent Druid bias shining through, it’s got actual reasons behind it other than just “Druids are the best!” I mean they are, but that’s just in relation to video games, in real life though the things that we have to take into account are way different.

I think that the three biggest things are healing, resurrection, and their mastery over plants. Healing and resurrection are the obvious ones, there are millions of people out there who’d benefit from your skills at mending and you’d almost single-handedly change the world. I wasn’t sure which healer option I was going to put forward as the best, or at least match up against my second choice of Mages. Mages get the edge because of instant travel helping to revolutionize the travel industry and time travel in small doses.

However, the Druids being able to help with agricultural endeavors could mean that not only are they able to heal the sick and bring the dead back to live — they could ensure that there’s always enough food growing to feed people. I know that logistics are a big issue around that as well, so sneaking a Mage into the real world could be a big boon, but at least if there’s lots of food being produced it could help to alleviate the hunger of a big part of their surrounding area.


Warcraft Tweeted: Which NPC would you add to your Warband?

Khadgar. Sure I’d occasionally have to collect a very specific number of things for him, but I’m pretty sure that the dad jokes make up for that and then some.

Oh sure the massive amounts of magical power he can wield don’t hurt either, but it’s mainly for the jokes. Warband Morale is very important and I don’t want anyone trying to stage a mutiny on my Druid.

They’ll take their mining and flower-picking routes seriously and be glad that I’ve leveled them at all!


Warcraft tweeted: Which boss kill has been your most memorable?

This one! Kil’Jaeden was a beast of a fight, taking my guild at the time 146 pulls before we could finish him off on Heroic. Frustrations were mounting and yet we kept at it. We threw pile after pile of our own corpses into this meat grinder of a fight and finally, we got him on pull 147.

I don’t remember what specifically was the biggest issue for us, but it was likely just a combination of unforgiving knockback mechanics and the pitch-black intermission being a major stumbling block for a few of our players. I don’t think that I’ve had another non-mythic boss take that many pulls since Kil’jaeden, and I’m very glad of that fact.

When you get a fight like that where your guild can’t quite execute things properly I find that it can become more about managing your fellow players and less on the fight. Sure the giant laser beam or purple exploding orb of death are both dangerous, but long-term you have to worry about how your raiders are going to react to the fifth wipe to the same mechanic in the last six pulls. That’s where having someone who can be goofy and funny and break the tension with non-sequiturs can really help.

This is also why I feel bad for the Race to World First guilds: they have to endure all of those wipes in such a short amount of time, and there’s not even that much room for goofing off. They’ve got to be serious and calm under the pressure if they want their shot at the bragging rights of being the best in the world.

Bacardi loves the new Temptations spoon treats. Now that he’s been sufficiently bribed he may even give you what you’re looking for from your vault! I’m not above putting my finger on the scales to help y’all get a nicer vault.

Today’s Anna Earworm™: A Thousand Miles

Have a great day, make sure to ask Anna some questions for tomorrow!

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