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The QueueJun 26, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Lookalikes

“Hello, Peter.”

…I mean, there’s a chance that’s your name — at least a few of you are probably called Peter. But even if it isn’t, that’s okay: my character here is not Doctor Octopus either, he was just modeled after him.

So let’s model this column around answering some questions!


Q4tQ: do you ever play the same character across multiple games by recreating them in those games’ character generator? Like if you played Elden Ring and tried to create your WoW character, or tried to make a Persona character in Cyberpunk 2077, and so on.

Yes! I have this archetype for a mage character — or wizard, or sorceress, or whatever the equivalent is — on my mind that I’ve tried to recreate a few times. I’ve made her in WoW, in Diablo 4, and in FF14 (and probably other games that I’m forgetting at the moment).

I’ve also tried to create a few characters from other games in WoW, such as Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy 7, 2B from NieR: Automata, Leroy Smith from Tekken, and Doctor Octopus from Spiderman (the Alfred Molina iteration), with varying degrees of success.


Q4TQ: Shaman changes next week right? collapses sobbing

I’m just happy that you were able to manifest Shaman changes next week simply by your sheer willpower.


Q4tQ Are you willing to play subtitled video games, or do you require them to be dubbed?

But of course! I mean, I grew up playing JRPGs, and we wouldn’t even dare to dream about dubs for games like Final Fantasy 6 or Chrono Trigger.

And even outside of those old-time classics, I recently played (and really enjoyed) Tokyo Mirage Sessions, a game that has no English dub — only the original Japanese voices, and English subs — and it was more than fine for me!


Q4tQ: If the Heartstone dev team was to make a card based roguelike, would you want it to be part of the actual Hearthstone game, or a completely separate game free from any constraints?

Bonus question: if there was a “BlizzardWatch Gladiator” like the old 90’s show, which staff member would you pick to fight in the Joust event?

We already had that, in a sense: it was called Dungeon Run, and it was glorious (and four years ago I wrote around 1600 words on how it could become even more glorious). So I’d just make it exactly as I described in that article, building upon the game mode that’s already within the game client.

But I could also see a standalone, more robust roguelike deckbuilder inspired by the likes of Slay the Spire or Monster Train — two games that I’ve devoted an ungodly amount of hours to (especially the former).

Bonus answer: Cory.


QftheRed: What is your background and goal as a musician? What is your dream genre? And, what song do you wish you had written?

I started playing piano when I was six, studied it until I was about thirteen, but then I pretty much abandoned it for over a decade. When I was in high school, I took a career aptitude test and the result was “music,” so I was like “huh,” but didn’t really do anything with that other than keeping music as an interest of mine. Then, when I was in college, some friends were making a band, so I told them “I can play keys” (even though I hadn’t really been playing at all for the past several years), and that’s how I started playing again.

I don’t really have a goal to become super proficient, because I simply don’t think I have the required dexterity for it; as long as I can play well enough to have fun (as I do now), I’m good.

I can’t say I have one dream genre, but I love rock, in many of its facets — some of my favorite bands of all time include Radiohead (alternative rock), Queens of the Stone Age (hard rock, but you can dance to it), The Beatles and The Doors (classic rock), as well as a few grunge behemoths like Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, and Alice in Chains. But I also enjoy jazz and lots of weird / inventive stuff that’s hard to put a label on.

I wish I had written While My Guitar Gently Weeps.


How do you predict Thrall will get his Shaman stuff back?

Strongly-worded letter to the CEO of Elements.

Transmog is really fun, even when the results aren’t perfect. Take care, everyone, ask lots of questions, and remember to protect yourself from the elements!

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