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The QueueJun 27, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: I keep realizing I play a lot of very violent video games

I mean, I’ve played every Diablo game. I’ve played Grim Dawn, Wolcen, and Path of Exile. I’ve played Cyberpunk 2077 and I’ve literally used a gun that fires explosive grenades to slaughter an entire gang from up close. My character in Baldur’s Gate 3 is literally an amnesiac murder hobo who spends most of her game time completely covered in blood. Other people’s. That I have liberated from their bodies with big, pointy things. I’ve torn people’s limbs off, thrown people’s heads, flown away as the entire planet Taris was bombarded from orbit and millions died.


Yet I’m generally a very nonviolent person in real life. I can be intimidating if I really choose to, but most of the time, I’m fairly nonthreatening and not aggressive. More of a dreamer than anything else. Maybe it’s related? Maybe all the gore and wailing and exploding masses of demons let me vent the animalistic pressure that being human in a world on the edge of total collapse brings? No idea.

Maybe I’ll get on my Warrior and chop people’s heads off, that usually makes me feel better.


Will we legitimately see a Dagran Thaurissan II regency or are dwarves better off under council rule?

I mean, technically we are seeing a Dagran Thaurissan II regency right now. The Council of Three Hammers serves the role of a Regent, running Dwarven government and interests while the young man gets older. That’s pretty much exactly what happened when Varian was missing and Bolvar Fordragon (and Onyxia behind the scenes) ran Stormwind while Anduin Wrynn was technically considered King. I mean, one of the first definitions of what a Regency is comes down to a nation governed by a Regent or a body of Regents, and that’s exactly what the Council of Three Hammers is.


Which in-game weapon would be Xal’atath’s summer house?


Took a nap.
What year is it?!

It’s 35 Eorx 9998.


Q4TQ: assuming I wanna complete a few more Pandaria zones for the achievement rewards. Would it be better to keep questing on my level 70, or should I roll an alt?

I mean, you’re just trying to get achievements, right? I’d stay on my highest level character, personally.


Q4tQ: Does anyone else here use Lookalike-style XMogs ingame?

Many do, but I don’t really because I’m just not that good at coming up with close matches for out of game characters. The only one I even remotely have is an attempt at the Marvel character Guardsman.

Seriously, it’s not very good. Here’s the comic version.

Okay, that’s the Queue for Thursday. Take care, y’all. I’ll work on a better transmog for next week.

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Filed Under: Blood Everywhere

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