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The QueueJul 18, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: The Vampire Hobbits vs. The Tree of the Empty Pants

I refuse to give you any context for that title.


No one linked the new Queue! You expect people to check the main page for a new Queue link like barbarians?!

I expect you to do everything like a Barbarian, frankly.


Been on a girl’s with glasses kick, what do you all think?


I think she/you look very nice. In particular I like the skirt.

This is probably the closest I get to a glasses mog.


What do they means when they say the first raid is “vertical”?

It has more up and down stacking than wide out spread single floor rooms.

Think of it like the New York City skyline with all of its skyscrapers that can pack so many more apartments and office suites onto a single plot of land because they use verticality to leverage the space.

Or, if you’re like me, think of it like It Goes Up Instead Of Out. If you look at certain raids and dungeons, some (like Stratholme) are based around a city plan and are essentially spread out. Also see Zul’Gurub or Molten Core for examples. But some are like Blackrock Spire, at least in its original form — you could physically go from the depths of LBRS all the way to the very top of UBRS in a single run while also branching out to explore rooms at various levels.

Saying the first raid is vertical is saying there will be more up.


Yesterday I came across a video by a guy that claimed that he was a big sci-fi-/fantasy nerd in the 90s.
And later in the video he said that he had never heard of Xena: Warrior Princess.

I’m still mad about it.

Honestly, at the time, I liked the Hercules show better.

But Lucy Lawless has been nothing but class for the last thirty years so now I pretty much think a lot better of her, and thus Xena. Nowadays, I’m always pretty happy to see Lucy in a project.


ARRGH. Got a large bag of a new limited time Doritos flavor, get home, brought the groceries in, and when I went to pick the bag up it split length-wise.

Related: Mountain Dew Baja Blast Mango Spice is a weird flavor for Doritos. Not sure if I like them.

I have always found it bizarre when this kind of weird synergy happens. Like when I had people trying to get me to eat Flaming Hot Cheetos ice cream. The idea that a soda flavor that takes six words to even describe could be a Doritos flavor just irks me.

But I do sympathize with you on the whole ‘the bag ripped open’ issue. It’s always the worst, especially when the contents are small enough that you end up finding pieces of them days or even weeks later.


questing in Kun-Lai

this Sha-enraged Jinyu is like “die, worthless Draenei!”

I’m like “my brother in Xuen, how do you even know what a Draenei is”

Because I was there on my Draenei back when it was current content.

I made an impression. I mean, the hot pants were distinctive.

Trampolines are no substitute for parachutes, y’all.

This has been the Queue. I am not a dolphin yet.

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Filed Under: Still Not A Dolphin

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