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Transmog > Video Games > WoWJul 19, 2024 2:00 pm CT

Get your Big Daddy armor transmog in WoW before the end of July

Time is running out for you to spend your tenders at July’s Trading Post. The theme for the month is the deep blue sea, so in addition to fishy mounts and pets there is a treasure trove of aquatic-themed transmog. But if you are wondering what’s worth spending your precious tenders on, have we got a suggestion for you.

How to get Bioshock’s Big Daddy armor transmog

I’m certainly not the first fan of both World of Warcraft and Bioshock to think of putting together the most accurate possible Big Daddy transmog, but the Deepest Depths Diver Suit Ensemble makes that dream a much more convenient reality. Before you had to hope for random plate armor drops to get the look, but now it will cost you just 800 of your monthly allowance of Traders Tenders and it includes all nine cosmetic appearances for a full-body steampunk diver outfit. The best part is that it’s not plate – any class can pop it on for a seafloor stroll.

Enforcer Sorka

Where to find a drill arm

All you need to complete the look is a drill arm, and there are a few different options. If you want the most authentic representation, a fist weapon that turns your arm into a drill is the way to go — you can pick up Sorka’s Chainfist from the Iron Maidens encounter in Blackrock Foundry. None of the colors match perfectly, but I like the version that drops on normal difficulty the best. There are also one-handed maces available in Siege of Orgrimmar, such as the Seismic Bore, that have actively spinning drill bits.


Where to find a Little Sister stand-in

Now you’ll just need a Little Sister to round it out. You can shelf this look until April, when Children’s Week will let you stomp around and protect a little companion from one of Azeroth’s orphanages. Salandria or Dornaa would probably work best.

There is one humanoid non-combat pet that fits nicely into the Big Daddy theme, Uuna, a Draenei child discovered in the Legion expansion by the WoW Secret Finding community. However, obtaining the item to summon her requires quite a few steps. There is also an extensive quest line to follow for her after you get the summoning item if you want to experience her entire story.

Alternatively, if you’re going for a bit of a tongue-in-cheek tribute, you can always replace the oxygen tank in the back slot with a more unique Little Sister-carrying cosmetic such as Mrrgl’s Shiny Shell from the in-game store or the Halfhill Farmer’s Backpack from Mists of Pandaria Remix.

Titan's Thunderbow

Other notable July Trading Post transmog

Not everything up for grabs this month aligns so overtly with the briny theme. There’s the Titan Thunderbow, which looks great with any lightning-themed outfit. I think it works best with something that also has active sparking, like the Thundering Stormrider’s Attire. If you’re itching for The War Within to get here already, grab a Riptide Dagger or two — that one gives me real Xal’atath vibes and it works well with almost anything purple. I got it for my Warlock and started the look with the Voidheart Robe, and now I’m ready for whatever Khaz Algar is going to throw at me.

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