The Queue: To the Fair(e)!

The exhibition is in town and I’ve been there so much already, and there are so many more days of fun ahead of me! I haven’t been on the rides yet, but I’ve proven my iron stomach holds up by eating a pulled pork grilled cheese made with a Long John donut. Let me tell you, it was actually an interesting taste combination, and I would have it again. The rest of the fair food is pretty standard deep-fried and pickle-infused creations, but I’m still considering getting a burger served between two slices of watermelon.
The music lineup has been the true standout so far though. I’ve seen two great shows already with my best lady, and there are so many more! Tonight we’re going to go see Metric!
While I see if I can remember all of the lyrics to Black Sheep, it’s time for — The Queue!
What’s the nerdiest car accessory you’ve seen?
Oh boy, I did just see a vanity plate that said Onyxia. Which is pretty up there in terms of nerdy car things. I feel like I remember seeing a really bright orange sports car back when I visited the Blizzard offices that had a vanity Ragnaros plate, but I could be making that up.
I’ve seen plenty of Anime faces peeking out of the back windows of cars, and lots of sci-fi and fantasy bumper stickers. In both of these cases, there are usually too many per car, and it gets pretty busy. I’ve also seen a car with a little Mass Effect N7 logo just stuck right next to the model name on the back. At least that one was pretty subtle and only stood out because I know Mass Effect.
I’ve also seen plenty of “Baby on Board” signs that are nerdy, Grogu from The Mandalorian has been pretty popular recently — but I’m also counting the baby from The Hangover as nerdy. There’s also the person I know who has a Captain America Funko Pop on their dashboard. Which is a pretty nerdy interior accessory.
I think that the most nerdy accessory though is any time someone has a Jeep and gives it the Jurassic Park color scheme. I’ve seen a couple driving around and each time I got very jealous. When I win the lottery you know I’ll have my own in my garage.
QftQ: If you started a band, what would it be called? Bacardi Unlimited?
Slipknot! No wait… Stonesour! Wait… Maybe I’ll just go with my name…
Nah none of those are really speaking to me…
I’ve never really thought of a band name. I like bears, maybe something involving them. Grizzly Sound? Panda-monium? I could see people wearing some great Panda-monium merch.
Q4Cory: what is the secret for happiness?
It might be spending the day in a water park and then eating pizza, playing video games, and watching a silly movie with a pretty woman. I just tried that and I feel pretty happy right now.
It also might involve deep-fried cheese curds after listening to a great set of live music at a fair. Or maybe it’s driving dark country roads bopping along to the radio with your person by your side. Or it’s doing nice things for other people, like passing on a tube to a family waiting in line for a slide at a water park. Going out of your way to try and make someone else’s day a little better.
There’s no one secret to happiness and I think that mainly it’s just looking for people and things that bring a smile to your face or your heart beat faster. That can be as simple as watching a video of a cat trying to catch toilet paper hung from a ceiling fan, or getting a shiny piece of loot in a video game.
But that’s just me today. I bet you’d get four more equally correct and equally different answers from the other Queue writers this week.
You and the lady friend looking good.
Q4TQ: Prepatch is live: what are you skyriding on? I’m on a waverider!
Flight Form, duh!
I’ve waited for the whole expansion to just turn into my Druid form with one click and take to the skies like a nimble little bird, or bat, or pterodactyl. One of those for sure, I haven’t quite decided which flavor of Flight Form I’ll start with, but I know I’m excited!
Q4tQ: ever pick up a game you haven’t played for a long time, then get reminded quickly why you stopped playing it?
I’m just saying, Hades is a beautifully done game, but putting hours into Diablo IV has not in any way made me better at it. >_<
I haven’t given up on it, since I am a tough Jedi Knight and all that, but I am playing Jedi Knight: Survivor and I’ve been reminded of why I don’t play many Dark Souls parry/dodge style games. I’d rather just have flashy beat ’em up and button mashy attacks like in Bayonetta or Devil May Cry.
I just stumbled into a pair of bosses in Jedi Survivor that absolutely trucked me. One was a Rancor, so at least that’s big and imposing and has some cinematic cache to it. The other is just a giant frog! I didn’t even tickle the giant frog, it just jumped on me and then hit me with its tongue and I was dead. The Empire wins I guess, all thanks to random giant frog in a bandit camp.
A special guest appearance! This is Vinny the Great Dane and oh boy is he happy to be here. Leave a boop for some great loot in your Great Vault!
Today’s Anna Earworm™: I’m Not Drunk
Have an excellent and music-filled week everyone! I’m not sure if Anna is back tomorrow, so best to leave lots of questions just in case.
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