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The QueueJul 24, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Warbands?

Did anything major happen last night?


I mean, I feel like something big was supposed to happen, but it kept getting postponed. Did I dream it?

Either way, let’s take a break from all those silly Warband things: it’s time to Queue, The Queue! How many questions can I cram into this warband-themed Queue? Twelve?!


I don’t care what happens, no one is taking my Frozen Runes and Words of Thawing out of my bank.

… I wonder if I unlock old Naxxramas, can I use them to finally get my ACTUAL T3 helmet, not the BMAH authentic replica?

As far as I can tell, the replicas aren’t really replicas, but actually the same as the original items, sharing item ID and everything. They’re the original items that had once been removed from the game in Wrath of the Lich King, not new ones that share the same appearance and text.

So if you could ever unlock old Naxx and got those items from there, functionally there’d be no difference other than your personal sense of satisfaction (and perhaps some cool screenshots from the loot window?).


Sadly I never did finish Bloodsail Buccaneers or Ravenholdt reps on any characters, but I guess at least I can think about it now.

I got Bloodsail Buccaneers a while ago on my Warlock, and this whole Warband stuff might honestly motivate me to do Ravenholdt now.


I do know Scryers and Aldors Rep won’t won’t be shared.

*shakes fist at Shattrath City*


Q4tQ What is your favorite color of the Stormrider Armor?

Fourth one (bronze & purple)!


how was your first day of the new Hearthstone expansion?

First days are usually super fun, since people are just trying out new, crazy, fun decks, and the meta is still very much in flux. I tried a new variation of Spell Mage, and then Darkness Rogue — it’s a Rogue that uses the Announce Darkness Warlock spell to become a Warlock, with discounted cards! It’s a ton of fun!…

…but it’s an honest deck playing in a dishonest battlefield.

I had absolutely no chance when faced against a Lynessa OTK Paladin followed by a spell damage Druid — both making liberal use of new card Tidepool Pupil to generate a lot of extra direct damage spells in their hands (despite not being Mages, the class that’s supposed to do that) — and I legitimately felt like uninstalling the game waiting a few days (or weeks) before I jump back into Constructed again.

I can’t stand OTK. It’s the exact opposite of what makes Hearthstone fun for me. And it’s especially bad when it comes with absolutely no counterplay other than “play aggro and kill them before turn 7, I guess.”


Question for the Queue:
What did you forget to do before patch day? I forgot to screenshot all my characters talents.

…nothing, really! I checked my auctions, I made sure none of my characters had mail, and that was that.

For a few classes like Monk and Shaman, talents will be changing so much that you’re better off redoing them from scratch anyway. For others, like Mage and Paladin, they’re not changing enough that the game will even refund all your points, so you’ll only need to do minor adjustments. And classes like Demon Hunter and Priest might not even have any talent points refunded at all!


Urgh, how screwed am I with everything since I missed 2+ weeks of playing?

Eh, you’ll be fine. Lots of people are either taking a break from the game in preparation for the expansion release (or the pre-expansion event), or focusing on Remix. You haven’t missed much in those 2+ weeks, unless you were really gung-ho about farming Bullions and collecting those transmog pieces — which I’d guess you weren’t.

Once you do login, your Warbands should still be fine regardless of that “lost” time.


So in that new Final Fantasy 7 game, can you have the entire party run around wearing swimming suits?

Only in certain areas of Costa del Sol (near the city and the resorts). But it’s not limited to swimming suits: you can wear any costume you’ve collected — which also includes more casual beachwear and Shinra trooper outfits for Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith, and a Wutai performer attire and a Moogle ninja costume for Yuffie. Barret is stuck with a Sailor Suit as his only option. The other characters (Red XIII and Cait Sith) don’t have any costumes.



Why is everyone so riled up about the start screen? People still complain about Sindragosa roaring, and you only see the login screen maybe two minutes a day!

It’s the usual reaction people have to things as they’re revealed, whether it’s from official blog posts, videos, interviews, or datamining. People see something they don’t like — usually missing context and necessary information — and overreact to it.

With that said, I have to say I don’t think this start screen is great. People just expected something more enticing, I guess. It’s pretty much just a plain background mostly of a single color. Although I do agree with you that reactions are often overblown, I also agree with the people who think it could have been cooler.


I’m OK with a more-basic login screen, as we don’t really see it anymore.

But the music loop feels weirdly short – that I’m less OK with. I like when it incorporates the major themes from all the zones.

Yeah, I kinda agree, since WoW has always delivered hard on the music department. But I also have to agree with RPJ that we rarely ever sit down at the login screen for too long, so maybe Blizzard simply felt like it would get more out of their composers by having them focus more on other pieces, perhaps?


QftQ: Do you still /dance?

Way less than I used to, that’s for sure.


How often do you get the urge to replay games you’ve played before? Because while I’m nearly done with my second Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough, some part of my brain just wants to play Persona 5 again. >_<

Pretty often. It’s how I grew up: replaying games! We just didn’t get such an abundance of releases in those days. So I have an ingrained habit to want to get the most out of the games I enjoy — and that often means replaying them.

That’s all for today!

…why are you still reading this? Your Warband is waiting for you! Go! GO!!!

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