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The QueueJul 25, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: One… two… three…Cronch!

Owls. You can’t trust them.


I think the reason the actionbars got turned off for everybody is because they added an eighth actionbar? There’s one I didn’t have before.


So. Warbands. Was it just my imagination, or were we told, repeatedly, that one’s warband would include ALL of one’s characters on a single BNet account?

Because right now I have two warbands, and considerable disappointment.

I mean, that seems to be the case according to a few sources I’ve found. The problem I’m having is that some sources say Battle.net account, while others say WoW account. Since you can technically have more than one WoW account on the same b.net account, that could mean you could have two Warbands on one b.net account, one for each WoW account.

This preview from Blizzard definitely says every character on your Battle.net account. However, it also says that Warbands include every character in a specific region. So if you have a WoW account for the Americas and another for Europe, those two accounts would have their own Warbands because they’re in different regions.


As I mentioned in the last Queue, I spent my first 20 minutes logged in sitting at the character select screen trying to get all of my characters back in the order they were previously, and it didn’t take long for me to realize the title screen music is repetitive as HELL.

Man I remember back in Cata that thing went on seemingly forever (12ish minutes, IIRC.) The new one seems to loop after just a few.

I’m not sure if I liked the Cataclysm login music that much, but man, I loved the Warlords of Draenor login music. I could listen to that for days.


Q4TQ: what are your favorite old raids to solo, and why?

I’m looking for something that feels worth my time. Not too long or annoying to navigate, and with a good amount of good-looking mog or other drops.

  • Tomb of Sargeras — both because I enjoy the aesthetics of the gear and the raid itself.
  • I think I like most of the Mists raids, but I’m a sucker for hitting up Siege of Orgrimmar, just to see the NPC’s.
  • Karazhan because it’s pretty and the weapon drops are pretty, even though I already have practically everything from it.
  • Ulduar. Because it’s Ulduar.
  • Icecrown Citadel because it’s a straight line until you get up to the three wings at the top, plus I really enjoy destroying Arthas so fast that I can potentially break the whole game.
  • Hellfire Citadel because I really dislike pretty much every boss in it and so I love killing them.


Q4TQ: do you think it would take a handsworth of these hill dwarves to bring one from the Aerie down?

You’re gonna need to find an owl to ask.



When do we get to be like a Tol’vir mage

Honestly, at this point, I’m low key wishing they do like a pack of new races/allied races that are all weird and hard to animate in one go. Like, imagine an expansion where we suddenly got Naga, Centaurs, Tol’vir, Dryad/Keeps of the Grove, just throw it all at us. Maybe even make the Naga similar to D&D‘s Yuan-Ti, where you could have Naga that are more serpentine and ones that are more humanoid (or maybe even have playable Sethrak, who knows, go hog wild).


Lore Q for the Rossi Queue: how do you think the WarCraft story would have gone differently if Blizzard hadn’t made WoW?

I think if they’d kept doing RTS games, we would have had more long, character-focused stories like Arthas’s instead of multiple scattered stories that WoW brought us. But I’d like to think we would have had a Blackrock Mountain campaign, and an Ahn’Qiraj campaign, since those were big lore moments in early WoW. And who knows, WarCraft VII might actually have been called “Wrath of the Lich King”, because of course they’d bring Arthas back.

I mean, cynically, I think we’d have gotten maybe two more Warcraft games and then the franchise would basically be as on life support as StarCraft ended up.

I do think the next Warcraft game would have been bigger, with more factions at the start. Instead of Alliance v. Horde, I think we’d have seen balkanization in Warcraft 4, with the tentative peace from the end of Daelin Proudmoore upset by a resurgence of Night Elves (remember, in WC3, Night Elves were portrayed as a whole as savage, feral and warlike) attacking the various Orc, Troll and Tauren across Kalimdor while the humans in Theramore tried to restablish contact with either Stormwind or Kul’Tiras.

This would likely lead to Trolls vs. Humans and who knows, maybe the Undead under Sylvanas as an enemy faction as well. We could well have ended up with a story campaign that went from Nelves to Horde to Theramore Humans to Trolls to Undead before finally ending up going to Northrend to try and deal with Arthas. I think going after Illidan would be much less likely for a fourth Warcraft game, and a lot of concepts we have today wouldn’t be there and we wouldn’t see them because it’s a different kind of game with different narrative needs.

In essence, I think by the inherent nature of a RTS, we’d see way, way more antagonism and much less of the two faction system we saw in WoW — there’s much less pressure to see Blood Elves join the Horde and the Draenei would never even have become playable, because I don’t think Outland would have come into play for at least two RTS releases. Without the Metzen Draenei/Eredar retcon, the whole story of Sargeras would have remained on a different track and the story would have gone in a different direction dealing more with infighting on Azeroth and less on cosmic threats.

Then it would likely have seen a lot less development because RTS games would still have likely declined. I mean, even when WC3 was huge, RTS as a whole were on the way out, and I don’t think another Warcraft RTS in 2004 or after could have stopped that. But that’s just me.

Okay, that feels like a good number of questions to answer, and we got an in-depth exploration of how many licks it would take to take down one from the Aerie.

Take care, y’all.

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