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Blizzard Watch WeeklyJul 27, 2024 12:30 pm CT

Blizzard Watch Weekly: The War Within looms

It’s been a busy week in Blizzard games with the launch of patch 11.0.1, but let’s start out with the new War Within trailer, a no dialog affair that’s all about the vibes (and maybe the characters, too).

New this week

Happening next week

This week’s podcasts

What to play this weekend

The much-anticipated Fallout London mod is here, after some serious setbacks caused by the otherwise great Fallout 4 next gen update. But if you aren’t interested in braving the post-apocalypse (or you’re a console player, like me), we have some other game suggestions for the weekend if you’re not feeling like playing any of the current crop of Blizzard games.

Or it’s always a good time to pick up Stardew Valley, especially since the developer just vowed never to charge for updates.

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