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Discussion > The War Within > WarcraftJul 29, 2024 8:00 am CT

How well would your Warband get along?

Now that we have had time since The War Within patch 11.0 has gone live, most players have settled on who get the prestigious spot on the top four favorites. Some players have gone with their most played, others the most aesthetically pleasing. A few have even recreated the lineup from South Park’s “Make Love, Not Warcraft” episode. Seeing alts interact on screen does make you wonder, would these four people even get along together?

Not everyone RPs, but a lot of people have played their characters long enough that they do have their own personalities. A Dwarven Hunter who has a Lebowski-esque outlook on the world may pair up well with a Mechagnome who is out seeing the world for the first time, but probably not with a by the book paladin. A cartoonishly evil Death Knight most likely does not get along with anyone standing in their way of arch-villainy.

Are your favorite spots filled with adventurers who have been on a grand crusade? Are they a band of miscreants coming together for the first time? Would they swap stories around the camp fire or just sit in silence ignoring one another? Is this the start of a heist movie or just four characters with no further depth than their gear score? Just how well would your Warband get along?

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