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The War Within > WoWJul 30, 2024 2:00 pm CT

How much effort will it take to buy everything from the Radiant Echoes pre-expansion event in World of Warcraft?

World of Warcraft Radiant Echoes Remembered enemies

If you’re looking to gear up your Warband with the Radiant Echoes event, you might be wondering exactly how many Residual Memories you’ll need. After all, the prices are all over the place — ranging from 2000 for rings and trinkets up to 20000 for a mount — and these are, after all, unique gear appearances, so fashionistas are almost certainly already thinking about trying to obtain every piece of armor and every weapon. How much grinding are you in for?

It turns out the answer is “a lot:” if you want to buy absolutely everything from the Radiant Echoes vendors, you will need 315,025 Residual Memories.

Now, granted, there are ways to reduce that. If you don’t care about bags, you can knock 4000 off of that number. (You probably shouldn’t care about bags — you can buy equivalent or better bags for a paltry sum from your local tailor right now.) If you don’t care about the mount, that’ll save you a whopping 20000 Memories. Not a battle pet collector? That’s 30000 you can save right there. Plus gear drops during the events — bosses drop item level 493 pieces, and completing objectives can award 480 Warbound until equipped pieces, so you’ll likely get some amount of this stuff from merely participating, without even needing to spend a single bit of your currency.

But there’s no denying that this is a lot of currency needed for an event that does not drop a lot at a time — you can earn 4500 total Memories once a week from weekly quests, 500 from the big bad bosses (Onyxia, Ragnaros, and the Lich King), all the way down to 1-3 a pop for normal mobs from the Echoes events that lead up to spawning the boss. If you want to knock out everything, be prepared to spend a lot of time in the various event zones punching Azeroth’s bad memories.

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