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The QueueJul 30, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Into the thick of it

While I understand I was gone for two weeks I’m still amazed by the sheer number of events I missed while I was on vacation. I have over 500 unread emails in my marketing/promotional inbox alone, and every single communique from the upcoming school year is in triplicate, as the apps they insist on using also send out an email blast for each message, plus a digest. And that’s before I get into the good stuff I need to interact with. Well, I always was a jump right in kind of girl. Here’s hoping I have enough RAM for the number of chrome tabs I’m about to open.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and hopefully they aren’t caught in the filter as I start deleting stuff (but you get it, right?).


Q4tQ: As we are roughly 3 weeks away from the launch of the expansion, what do you think are the odds Blizz releases an animated short this week? Part of me feels like they are established at this point, Blizz has released a set for each of the previous five expansions, but part of me worries that with all the layoffs someone higher up might have decided to cancel them.

I was on vacation for the past two weeks, and since you have to book things far in advance of Blizzard’s announcement schedule, I missed quite a bit of stuff. Prepatch? New Overwatch 2 character? a whole bunch of who-heckin-knows Diablo stuff? Freakin Comic-con??? All unfortunately within the days I was AFK. So, now that I’m back to take pressure off the rest of the editorial team — and they have my apologies and gratitude — there is absolutely zero way there is anything big and cool coming out this week. None.

Though, of course, there’s always a slight chance I could be smote for my hubris in saying so, especially since I now have all of the things (especially laundry) to catch back up on.

But, backing up the Site Curse is the fact that it was fairly unlikely considering Blizzard’s whole spate of firings at the beginning of the year. A considerably less fun and quirky reason, but one I feel like we need to keep acknowledging.


Q4TQ: Has anyone seen any TV Ads for the new WoW expansion?

No. <3




We’ve designed some fixes for the issues, and we hope to be able to open Warbanks following scheduled weekly maintenance tomorrow morning.


Good news, everyone! Though this comes with the repeated cautioning from last week: don’t expect to be able to just waltz into your account and start playing today. In addition to some lengthy downtime, we’re also looking at a bit of a delay on your first login as your Warbank does… the thing… in the background. Likely a bit less than last week’s, but still.

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