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WoWJul 30, 2024 9:00 am CT

Tuesday WoW maintenance will keep the servers offline for four hours, but will come back online with Warband banks

WoW maintenance today is a bit longer than usual, but it shouldn’t be as bad as last week’s mega-maintenance, when servers were down most of the day for the rollout of patch 11.0.1. This week won’t include such major changes, but will include the beginning of the Radiant Echoes pre-patch event and the launch of the much-anticipated Warband bank, letting us easily share our inventory across our account. The bank was meant to launch last week, but was delayed to address bugs.

The World of Warcraft servers (NA) are scheduled to be offline for maintenance from 7am to 11am pacific (or 10am to 2pm eastern) on Tuesday, July 30, 2024. These daytime hours are unlikely to interrupt your playtime unless maintenance goes long (or you’re on Oceanic realms, in which case I’m sorry you’re getting a double week of downtime).

Unlike last week, servers came up a little early, and everything ran smoothly. Enjoy your Warbanks!

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