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The QueueAug 1, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Mean Girl

It’s funny, sometimes I try to be so nice, especially to the posters who need it, and then sometimes, well. I just can’t help it if I have such good advice, but this column is really popular, kinda like me, so you’ll need to wait.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and we’ll probably get to answering, but we get like, so many questions, so.


q4tq: does anyone else start to feel like a Murder Hobo when playing an MMO at the start of an expansion? it’s like, I just saved the world from complete destruction, and you narrative quest NPC have the nerve to sass me when you’re one button-press away from losing a head.

Oh, I am full on bratty “excuse me, don’t you know who I am?” D-lister at the beginning of an expansion. You want to get all snarky about how fast I dispatch random beasts in the woods behind my back? Bro, while I hold on to this set of artifact weapons on my skyriding mount, you had best fix your face. Who the Thrall are you? That’s right. Nobody. Shut up and hand me my fistful of gold.

I’m not usually like that, I swear, but these peasants sometimes. Ugh.


q4tq: how the hell is one supposed to beat Emblem Ike.

Have you considered getting good?


the Aurelid mounts are now the best mounts in the game, being able to swim faster than normal and seamlessly engage in dynamic flight.

Q4TQ: is this proof that the Old Gods won?

My favorite part of the Old Gods as an opponent is that you can never really truly tell whether they’ve been defeated. Our characters could be, at any time, trapped within a prison in their own minds, with no way to know it and no way out. There’s no way to prove it, one way or another — anything you know is their plaything, including things like watchwords to prevent more mundane impostors.

Would there be glimpses and glimmers of the prison, if it came to it? Probably. But if so it would likely come from more mundane sources — for me one of the bigger tipoffs would be food shaping up how it did in Shadowlands. I’m sure an Old God wouldn’t know a grape from an eyeball. But since I obviously hate dealing with peasants, it’s unlikely I would ever notice.


Q4tQ: are you watching the Olympics? What would you change to make your watches experience better? I would have slower replays in the ultra fast events like fencing — it’s still to hard to see exactly what just happened sometimes!

Not to turn the Queue into my own personal ranting platform, but despite freaking loving the Olympics in general, and having a soft spot for specific events and sports that I rarely get to see otherwise, no, I’m not watching the Olympics. I don’t have cable, and I don’t have Peacock. I absolutely refuse to give NBC a thin dime for their app to reward them for being such stingy jerks with their coverage. I’ve seen a few events here and there via social media — gymnastics, a couple of Katie Ledecky’s finishes — but I’m basically just annoyed.

And yes, there are ways around it, of course, but I’ve been way too busy to hoist the black flag this week.

So, my input: make it less of a massive pain in the ass to watch.

Wait, if I refuse to pay, even if it’s because of a principled stand, does that mean I’m a peasant, too? Gross.

That was The Queue for today! I hope you have a great Thursday, and if not, well, see you next Tuesday.

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