The Queue: Nothing but the rain

We had an absolutely lovely storm roll through last night. There was thunder and lightning, and several hours of rain. I certainly didn’t put off writing this Queue to sit and listen to the rain at all. No sir, not me!
While I brew another pot of coffee for my sleep-deprived self, it’s time for — The Queue!
QftQ: How often do you switch between skyriding and steady flying? I’m spending a lot of time in the latter because, well, it’s convenient just being able to hover.
Since my Crow form could get the fancy skyriding? Not once!
That being said I’m sure I will once there are y’know quests and stuff to do that require the extra special cheating that only a Druid can pull off. Then I’ll gladly take the five seconds on either end as long as I can just sneakily grab all of the doodads that I need right out from under the noses of my hapless victims.
I’m a bear, I can pull large groups of baddies and burn them all down together to collect things at my leisure, which usually works out to be just as fast when you’re dealing with a large scale of bad guys — but you’ll take my cheaty flight from my cold, dead, paws.
Q4tQ Is the drop rate of the Green Hills of Stranglethorn event in the Searing Gorge too realistic?
No way. If it was truly realistic it would be much closer to how I first experienced the Green Hills all the way back in World of Warcraft, which was of course, way before I’d ever been to Stranglethorn by checking the auction house for Quest items. That then kicked off the whole search for how to get more of them and eventually became my reason for going to Stranglethorn — too early as it turned out. I left in many more pieces than I started with and resumed my leveling elsewhere.
So somehow these events need to recapture that feeling. May I suggest some level 200 gorilla spawns? Maybe randomly give one player from the opposing faction just a huge level advantage over you and the desire to ruin your day? Let’s think outside of the box here Warcraft devs!
Q4TQ: let’s say I want to start making a reasonable amount of gold again. What’s the best way to do it?
In Dragonflight there was one rare drop snake scale that came from one single summoned cobra in Zaralek caverns. That one scale wound up making me close to a half million gold over the remainder of Dragonflight. Simply by going down once a day and skinning, I could make anywhere from 10-80k depending on market supply and my own luck in actually getting the scale.
So if you want to earn lots of gold again in The War Within just figure out what that scale is! Easy right? Once you do figure that out, set your army of alts to the task of exploiting that resource as often as possible.
In the meantime, I assume that Alchemy will continue to be just a very consistent payout early on in the expansion, so don’t balk too much at the price of herbs and get to making whatever the flask and potion du jour is.
Wow. That didn’t take long. AMA
- What’s a weird fact about yourself?
- If given a choice between a well-cooked beef, chicken, pork, or fish dish which would you choose?
- If you were given a pile of money that could only be spent to commission a proper painting on canvas to hang in your home, what would you have it be of?
Q4TQ: What’s Heroes of the Storm?
Listen here, bucko.
Today’s Bacardi is sure that you weren’t paying any attention to anything other than him right? Certainly not a video game or anything on that tv. Demons can wait, petting must happen now.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: No Rain
Have a good week everyone, I hope that it goes smoothly for you all. You can all help to make Anna’s day go smoothly too by asking her lots of questions!
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