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The QueueAug 7, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: I’m only happy when it rains

I only smile in the dark
My only comfort is the night gone black
I didn’t accidentally tell you that
I’m only happy when it rains


Q4tQ: If Blizzard decides to do another Remix, what expansion is your “must have” and which is your “must avoid”?

Also, if they do another Plunderstorm event, instead of “pirates” and “Arathi Highlands”, what theme and zone would you like to see used?

My must-have expansion is one that I assume is also the must-have expansion of a lot of people: Legion. The Artifact Weapon system would lend itself extremely well to take the role that the cloak had in ReMists, and it would be fantastic to revisit the class halls and work on them again. It was a solid expansion — one often mentioned as a top 3 expansion for WoW, and my personal #1 — and I’d really like the opportunity to redo the entire Suramar questline.

I don’t really have a “must avoid” one; I feel like I’d play any of them. Warlords of Draenor had its flaws at endgame, but the leveling experience was fantastic (possibly the best leveling zones WoW has ever seen, in fact). Cataclysm I didn’t enjoy when it was current, which led me to take a long break from the game — but precisely because of that, I’d like the opportunity to do the content I missed.

As for another Plunderstorm event? I say let’s have some ninjas in the Isle of Thunder. It’s a Shado-Pan training exercise, and you get to stealth around trying to loot treasure and solo-kill mobs without being spotted by other players — that’s what Plunderstorm behavior ended up being anyway, and it fits the way of the ninja far more than the approach pirates usually employ.


Missed you guys! I was out of town without any computer for four days. Now I’ve been sick as a dog for four more and I’m guessing I have a few more bad days to go. I have no idea what is happening in WoW atm. I will read the “Everything you need to know about the pre-patch” article. Hope I get well before it’s over, lol. Anything else I should check out??

Oh no, hope you get better soon! Don’t worry, though: you still have plenty of time to enjoy the event, as it’ll be here until August 26.

Honestly, there isn’t really much you need to check out that hasn’t been covered by our articles; the TL;DR is that it’s an event that allows for extremely fast alt-leveling, but also rewards currency that you can use to buy gear for max level characters, in addition to gear drops from the event itself. There are also a few collectibles (mounts, pets), besides the transmog appearances from all that gear, and a new heirloom ring. If any of that sounds good to you, make sure to give it a try!


which new animal would yo like to see in TWW?

We only got capybaras as battle pets. I’d like to see tameable capybara mobs for Hunters, and a capybara mount.


How are you going to make gold for you fifth Warband tab?

What music did you go off to listen to when we were here working hard to come up with Queue questions for you?

I don’t know! I assume I’ll farm herbs and ore during the first few days of the expansion and sell that at the Auction House, but after that, all bets are off. I’ll probably keep an eye on what more experienced gold makers are doing, but I assume I might simply just adopt a routine of soloing lucrative old raids and dungeons, and doing World Quests with gold rewards. I really don’t know: the last time I ever managed to make a reasonable amount of gold in WoW was when garrisons were a thing.

I didn’t go off to listen to music; I went off to play some music! I did not play Only Happy When It Rains by Garbage, but I did play Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead and Gouge Away by the Pixies, among others.

Pour your misery downPour your misery down on me
Pour your misery downYou can keep me companyAs long as you don’t care


I am severely dehydrated.
Did I drink water today?


You should drink some water, bro!



Are you going to play Diablo IV’s season five? Asking because I don’t think I will – between no new story and the free transmog on the battle pass not appealing to me, I don’t see any real reason to. I might get my main some updated loot before the expansion hits, but that’s about it.

Yes! Season four rekindled my love for the game big time — so much that I, who had never leveled a character to 100 before, ended up getting both a Barbarian and a Necromancer to max level. I still need to go back to my favorite class, Sorceress, and I also want to try a Druid (the class I’ve played the least so far).

Unlike some of my fellow staff members, I don’t really need seasonal story content. I’m happy getting it from the expansion, when it comes. Since Diablo 3, the seasonal experience in Diablo games has always been just an excuse to level and gear up a new character, trying a different class or build — and I’m plenty content with that, honestly.


Are you going to play Freebird?

Absolutely not.

You’ll get the message by the time I’m through
When I complain about me and you
I’m only happy when it rains

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