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The QueueAug 9, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: It’s all doom (with some gloom)

But it really is hard to say which one is more prominent than the other. We could spend the rest of the day dwelling on that question, but instead, let’s queue.

As to what we’re queueing for, it’s hard to say, but let’s queue all the same.


To make sure, none of the mounts or pets can drop, right? I don’t think they can but wanted to make sure to avoid blowing tens of thousands of memories only to see one drop immediately afterwards and be furious.

The event drops are only gear, currencies, and the memories needed to craft the heirloom ring. Buy mounts or pets with peace of mind: they will not drop.

If you buy gear, you could be disappointed by a drop in your next event, but sometimes you need that upgrade right now.


If you were to transfer servers, what would you look for? A quiet realm so rare spawns are up more? A populated realm so the auction house is more active?

Servers have been growing increasingly unimportant. First there were connected realms, which Blizzard describes as being “seamlessly linked.” Originally it was just a pair of realms, and for some large realms, this is how it remains, a pair of large realms bound together. Smaller servers, however, may have a dozen connected realms, and you can seamlessly interact with players across them. Today with cross-server groups and cross-server guilds there’s less reason to move than ever… and with that comes the flexibility to play on any realm you’d like.

And for that, I’d go with a smaller, quieter realm. Then everyday life can be a quiet affair, but with cross-server tools you can still get groups and guilds. But with connected realms, it can be hard to find a smaller realm, when all of them are “seamlessly linked.”

The real question is… do servers really matter anymore? And to that, I’m not sure.


Are you planning to see the Borderlands film?

Borderlands is one of those games everyone talks about, but I’ve never actually played. It’s on the list, somewhere, with a lot of other games. But I have to say, the trailer for Borderlands wasn’t really inspiring.

Video game movies and TV shows can be really good, but the statistics are somewhat against them. So this is probably a “maybe catch it on streaming” kind of thing. Is anyone out there hyped for this one? I haven’t seen any buzz, but maybe I’ve missed it.


What are your top three favourite Muppets?

Kermit. Kermit is the best Muppet. There isn’t even a list. It’s Kermit.

(I also think the favorite Muppet question is something of a Rorschach test.)


What’s your favorite of the new Skyriding mount animations? Mine has to be Spirit of Eche’ro. Seeing a moose pronking through the sky just makes me smile.

Eve’s Ghastly Rider, the permanent broom mount. It’s just so silly.


Who is your bingo card finisher for The War Within?

The Old Gods. The bingo card finisher is always the Old Gods.

And that is all for now, my friends. I hope you are having a most pleasant Friday and that you have a good weekend to come. (Or at least the goodest weekend available to you.) Take care of yourselves, everybody.

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