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WoWAug 13, 2024 4:20 pm CT

It’s another long maintenance Tuesday for World of Warcraft — but the servers are back up now!

The World of Warcraft servers went offline for another long Tuesday maintenance this morning, scheduled through 3pm pacific (6pm eastern) — but the servers came online about an hour early, around 2pm pacific. Today’s maintenance upgrades the game client to patch 11.0.2, which should include recent changes we’ve seen on The War Within beta servers — most notably, late class adjustments, so when you log in it’s possible your talents have been reset. We don’t know the full contents of today’s patch, as patch notes haven’t been published yet, but don’t expect to log on to a whole new world when you log in next.

Except for the login screen, which has fresh art and some highly dramatic music. I certainly won’t accidentally idle on the login screen now.

When we have full patch notes, I’ll add them here.

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Filed Under: Downtime, Patch 11.0.2

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