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Discussion > WoWAug 14, 2024 8:00 am CT

What do you do with your crafting reagents at the end of a World of Warcraft expansion?

Next week is the early access launch of The War Within, the latest expansion for World of Warcraft. In preparation many players are in cleanup mode, getting their characters ready for the journey to Khaz Algar, and a big part of that is figuring out what to do with all these crafting reagents we’ve been holding on to. This time may feel a little different from previous expansions, though, as major features have been implemented over the course of Dragonflight that could influence how we handle them.

The first thing to consider is the regionwide auction house for reagents implemented with patch 9.2.7, and two years under the system has helped players get used to its effect on the economy. On the one hand, current expansion mats tend to sell for less because of all the supply actively being added. On the other hand, older expansion mats actually sell reliably well on all servers now, so holding on to them until later in the Worldsoul Saga could result in extra gold.

Arguing against hoarding crafting reagents is the fact that the profession revamp added three quality ranks to many of the crafting mats and that system will continue in The War Within. While the reagent bag slot has definitely helped with this, we’re still forced to deal with the same reagent occupying three slots instead of one. If you’re someone who likes to funnel mats to one AH toon you’re going to find bag space becoming even more of a premium in TWW.

That said, the recent implementation of Warbanks has given players an extra place to store reagents. If you still have items from Dragonflight you wish to craft or purchase with mats you can collect them in one location for all your characters to take advantage of. Whether it’s enough to offset all the different quality ranks of materials as well as those from all the previous expansions is up to the individual player.

Despite the extra options, though, I’m still going to sell off as many reagents as I can before The War Within. I’m not a fan of juggling the different qualities, and I’d rather save the bag space for new items coming in The War Within.

What about you? Are you selling off (or have already sold off) your Dragonflight crafting reagents? Do you hold on to them in case you need them in the future or as an investment? Or do you just not think about them at all and will just deal with them at some point in the future?

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