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The QueueAug 15, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: My relaxation game? I have a few

I want to watch Big Trouble in Little China again.


QftQ: What’s your “relaxation” game? I’ll run around Skyrim aimlessly or drive around in FF XV. You?

Depends on the day. Currently I seem to have crawled into a Mass Effect gaming hole and pulled the thing down on top of me. Since I enjoy a nice bulleted list:

  • Fallout 4 — If there’s nothing else on my plate, I’ll drop back into radioactive Massachusetts and spend a few days building new buildings for my power armor.
  • Similarly, if only because it’s on Game Pass, I find building spaceships in Starfield to be blissfully relaxing.
  • Every year I seem to dust off Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (before, without the Re_) and run around doing things in Amalur.
  • Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous because it remains the best CRPG of the past ten years.
  • Diablo 4
  • Diablo 3
  • Diablo 2
  • I’d put the OG Diablo on here, but I honestly  haven’t played it in like 10 years.

That’s enough for now, but I could go on.


You could be in a great deal of trouble. Half a city block explodes in a ball of green flame. Green flame!! All hell is breaking loose here!

I salute you, good person.


Q4tQ Which is your favorite “ready to play” pose at the Warband campfire? I really like the Elemental Shaman conjuring lightning in her hands.

Whatever this is. I call it the Angry Wiggle.


QftQ: So, a lot of the narrative choices that Blizz has made in WoW lately revolve around blowing up elements from past years. What new elements from the past two or three expansions do you want to see them carry forward in the next decade?

I think the Arathi are going to make a big comeback, not just the ones in Hallowfall but the Emperor of the Arathi themselves. Eventually we’re either going to go to the west of Kalimdor and see the new lands the Arathi Empire has been established on, or the Arathi themselves are going to come back to the land of their ancestors and we’ll see airships invading the Eastern Kingdoms.


Q4tQ Which of the two Fury Hero Specs do you think you’ll go with on your primary Warrior, Slayer or Mountain Thane?

Almost certainly Slayer. At least until I level my Dwarf.

I am trapped in a land of wind and ghosts.

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Filed Under: Jack Burton

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