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Discussion > The War Within > WoWAug 16, 2024 8:00 am CT

Who in your Warband got left off of your favorites list?

I know that every single one of your characters is in your Warband now, but it still seems like the ones who get to sit around the campfire on your character select screen are the A-team. That leaves everyone else on the outside looking in, which hardly seems fair for some of Azeroth’s greatest champions.

I was a one-character player for years before I even created my first alt. And it was another few years before I managed to hit max level with two characters in the same expansion. But over the last decade, I came down with a fever. And the only prescription was the Create Character button.

Some of my characters were never going to make the cut for the core of the Warband (I’ve got a warrior that’s been sitting on a dock in Stormsong Valley for five years), but my poor Rogue has done nothing wrong in his entire career. He was there for the fall of Deathwing. He’s spent many hours skinning brufflalon in the Dragon Isles. He’s run Black Temple more times that I can count! He’s never had a Warglaive of Azzinoth drop, but that’s not his fault!

Yet he still doesn’t have a spot beside the fire with the cool kids. I find myself feeling irrationally guilty about curating a favorite World of Warcraft character list. Nothing has been confirmed, but there have been rumors of additional character select screen backgrounds being available in the future — might that include ones with a different number of favorites? Maybe he’ll get called up to the big leagues later in The War Within.

But hey, everyone likes a good Unsung Hero story. Maybe this expansion is the one I’ll finally get sick of flinging Pyroblasts and my Rogue will take up the mantle of ‘main’ in time to lead the charge into Azj-Kahet. So who in your Warband never got the call to join the in-crowd at the campfire? Do you feel all the feels when you have to scroll past your favorites list to get to one of your characters?

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