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Discussion > The War Within > Warcraft > WoWAug 19, 2024 8:00 am CT

What could multiclass characters look like in World of Warcraft?

A Hero Talent selection screen featuring druid options for Druid.

With the upcoming rollout of Hero Talents on top of an already busy talent selection page, the question arises: what comes after this? Do we continue to expand these new talents every ten levels until each character has what amounts to a whole second spec? Will Blizzard scrap the Hero Talent system next expansion and fold everyone’s favorites back into the main tree like they did with Shadowlands‘ conduits? And how long can we keep adding things before there’s no recourse but another level squish?

Personally, I’d like to see things go in a whole different direction. We’ve already seen NPCs in the game pick up aspects of a new character class, like Thrall wielding the elements and Anduin putting on plate armor. Isn’t it about time players got to multiclass as well?

The next question, of course, is what would that look like? Should we go the Hero Talent route and let people add powers from a different class on top of their old one, or should characters have to sacrifice something from their main class to take advantage of these? Would multiclass be mandatory, or would players who want to straight-class gain some other benefits?

Or perhaps multiclassing wouldn’t involve a talent overhaul at all. Maybe we could do something simpler, like allowing characters to swap between their two classes as easily as swapping specs is now — a system we’ve already seen in other games. I don’t know how many times I’ve wished my Rogue could pick up some healing or get a bit tanky when we’re having trouble filling up the raid. Swapping armor sets could get a bit tedious, but it isn’t as if Paladins, Monks, and Druids don’t already have that problem.

So what do you think? What would be the best way to implement multiclass in World of Warcraft, and if they did, what would you play?

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