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WoWAug 20, 2024 2:20 pm CT

World of Warcraft servers are back online, complete with your less godly Timerunning characters

pandarens facing off

We’re getting very close to the official launch day for The War Within expansion, with early access starting Thursday and the official launch next week. But before we get there, we have one last maintenance to make it through, and we have another extended downtime for World of Warcraft this morning: servers were offline from 7am to 11am pacific, but are now back up!

The servers came back online with two noticeable nerfs: the Demon Hunter’s Chaos Brand and the Mage’s Arcane Intellect have both been reduced from 5% to 3%. It’s a balancing measure designed to put melee-heavy groups and magic-heavy groups on a more even footing going into the expansion, but it still doesn’t feel like a great day to be a caster.

But the big reason for today’s maintenance was more likely to be the end of WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria, which finally came to a close this morning. Now that the servers back online, all of your Remix characters will be playable throughout Azeroth — though they’ll have been stripped of all of their powerful gear, replaced with a standard set of 467 items. That should be plenty to tangle with everyday Dragonflight content, but don’t expect to solo any at-level raids soon. The Radiant Echoes event continues, however, and can help you fill that gear gap… but still don’t expect to start soloing at-level raids. Here are all the details on what happens to your Remix characters now that the event is over.

The servers have come back online smoothly, and all of our Remix characters are now available to play with all of our friends.

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Filed Under: Downtime, Maintenance

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