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The War Within > WoWAug 20, 2024 4:00 pm CT

Every Enchant Available in World of Warcraft The War Within

World of Warcraft‘s latest expansion The War Within will take players through the depths of Khaz Algar into the realm of Azj-Kahet where we’ll battle against the machinations of the Harbinger of the Void Xal’atath. While the weapons, armor and jewelry we’ll acquire is the most important source of our stats, you should never overlook enchantments for giving your characters that extra oomph to help take down the enemy.

TWW is going to continue the new profession system from Dragonflight, which means that enchantments and other augmentations can have three different quality levels. In most cases you’ll want to aim for the highest “gold” quality, but if you need to settle for silver or bronze that’s better than nothing. Also remember that DF enchantments will continue to work, although your raid team probably won’t be happy with you if you’re still using Writs of Versatility for the fight against Queen Ansurek. Note that TWW profession-based augments universally require the target to possess a minimum item level of 350.

While the complexity of the system remains there is some streamlining with professions that started in Dragonflight and is continuing in The War Within. Professions do not have their own special set of recipes to use that provide either larger bonuses or cheaper mats when augmenting their own gear. In addition, ranged weapon enchants previously supplied by Engineering are no longer present, instead Hunters will use the same weapon enchants of other classes.

One new twist to the enchants in TWW is that some will possess a penalty in addition to their bonus; for example, the ring enchant Cursed Critical Strike provides 270 Critical Strike while reducing Haste by 80 at tier 1 quality. While sacrificing stats is rarely a good option, be sure to sim your character as sometimes it’s worth it.

silver hand weapon

The War Within weapon enchants

Weapon enchants provided by the Enchanting profession

Weapon enchants from the Enchanting profession can be divided into two categories in The War Within: those that are learned by leveling the profession, and those that come from specializations or drops — the latter are collectively known as “Authority” enchants, and will likely be more expensive to acquire as a result.

Council’s Guile — Procs Critical Strike bonus

Oathsworn’s Tenacity — Procs Versatility bonus

Stonebound Artistry — Procs Mastery bonus for 12 seconds

Stormrider’s Fury — Procs haste bonus for 12 seconds

Authority of Air — Procs an absorption shield

Authority of Fiery Resolve — Procs a healing fire for yourself and four closest allies

Authority of Radiant Power — Procs Radiant damage and temp increases your primary stat

Authority of Storms — Procs additional lightning damage split amongst all enemies hit

  • Tier 1 quality: Procs 58805 Lightning Damage split among all enemies hit
  • Tier 2 quality: Procs 84010 Lightning Damage split among all enemies hit
  • Tier 3 quality: Procs 98835 Lightning Damage split among all enemies hit

Authority of the Depths — Procs a damage-over-time effect on the target, stacking up to three times

  • Tier 1 quality: Procs a dot dealing 14115 Shadow damage stacking up to three times
  • Tier 2 quality: Procs a dot dealing 20160 Shadow damage stacking up to three times
  • Tier 3 quality: Procs a dot dealing 23720 Shadow damage stacking up to three times

Death Knight Runeforging

In lieu of weapon enchants Death Knights continue to use the Runeforging ability in Acherus to augment their weapons. Note that the stats written below are based on beta testing with a level 80 character that may not match the data in the link.

Rune of Razorice: Extra weapon damage as Frost and increases vulnerability to Frost attacks by 3%, stacking up to 5 times

Rune of Sanguination: Death Strike deals increased damage based on target’s missing health; when you fall below 35% health you heal for 58% of your maximum health over 8 sec

Rune of Spellwarding: Deflects 3% of spell damage and chance to create absorb shield equal to 10% of your maximum health; enemies damaging shield have 10% reduced casting speed for 6 seconds

Rune of the Apocalypse: Ghoul attacks can apply various debuffs to enemies

Rune of the Fallen Crusader: Can proc 18% strength increase and heal 4% of your maximum health

Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle: Increases Armor and all stats by 6%

Rune of Unending Thirst: Increases movement speed by 6%; killing an enemy that yields experience or honor heals you for 6% of maximum health and increases Haste and movement speed by 12%

The War Within armor enchants

Armor enchants will not be available for several slots — unless the Incandescent Essence still works with our gear (don’t count on it). Similarly don’t expect the Shadowed Belt Clasp to function either and/or a replacement may arrive for it early in the expansion. The Enchantment profession remains your primary source for upgrading your gear, with the only professions of concern being either Tailoring or Leatherworking for your Leg enchants.

Chest enchants in The War Within

Enchantments for the Chest are pretty straightforward, being straight primary stat increases.

Council’s Intellect — Increases Intellect and mana pool

Crystalline Radiance — Greatly increases Main Stat

Oathsworn’s Strength — Increases Strength and Stamina

Stormrider’s Agility — Increases Agility and Speed

Cloak enchants in The War Within

Cloak Enchantments increase tertiary stats and are divided into two categories: Whispers and Chants. Whispers are learned through leveling the profession while Chants are found throughout Khaz Algar — expect Chants to be much more expensive to acquire, especially early in the expansion. Chants also have a bonus ability beyond the stat increase that provide out-of-combat benefits.

Whisper of Silken Avoidance — Increases Avoidance

Whisper of Silken Leech — Increases Leech

Whisper of Silken Speed — Increases Speed

Chant of Burrowing Rapidity — Increases Speed and reduces your Hearthstone cooldown

Chant of Leeching Fangs — Increases Leech and heals every 5 seconds outside of combat

  • Tier 1 quality: +715 Leech and heal for 174266 every 5 seconds outside of combat
  • Tier 2 quality: +865 Leech and heal for 209120 every 5 seconds outside of combat
  • Tier 3 quality: +1020 Leech and heal for 243973 every 5 seconds outside of combat

Chant of Winged Grace — Increases Avoidance and reduces fall damage

Bracer enchants in The War Within

Enchants for Bracers use the same Whisper/Chant system that Cloaks do; the main distinction is that the tertiary stat gain is significantly higher and there are no bonus effects on the Chants.

Whisper of Armored Avoidance

Whisper of Armored Leech

Whisper of Armored Speed

Chant of Armored Avoidance

Chant of Armored Leech

Chant of Armored Speed

Leg enchants in The War Within

As in prior expansions enchantments for the Leg slot is shared between two professions, with Tailoring providing Spellthread for Intellect users and Leatherworking supplying Armor Kits for Agility and Strength users. Both professions have a lower stat version obtained through leveling the profession as well as two higher stat versions with an additional secondary stat or effect and acquired in the world.

Dual Layered Armor Kit — Strength or Agility

Weavercloth Spellthread — Intellect

Defender’s Armor Kit — Armor plus Strength or Agility

Stormbound Armor Kit — Stamina plus Strength or Agility

Daybreak Spellthread — Intellect plus increase in maximum mana

Sunset Spellthread — Intellect plus Stamina

Boot enchants in The War Within

There are three Boot enchants and they are focused on stamina and speed. There is also an option which increases mounted speed!

Cavalry’s March — Increases mounted speed

Defender’s March — Increases Stamina

Scout’s March — Increase Speed

Ring enchants in The War Within

There are three levels of secondary stat Ring enchants in The War Within. Glimmering enchants are trained while leveling Enchanting and are the least powerful option. Radiant enchants are learned out in the world and provide a larger boost. Finally there are new Cursed enchants which provide the largest boost to the associated secondary stat but also penalizes a different stat.

Glimmering Critical Strike

Radiant Critical Strike

Cursed Critical Strike — reduces Haste

Glimmering Haste

Radiant Haste

Cursed Haste — reduces Versatility

Glimmering Mastery

Radiant Mastery

Cursed Mastery — reduces Critical Strike

Glimmering Versatility

Radiant Versatility

Cursed Versatility — reduces Mastery

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