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Discussion > WoW RemixAug 21, 2024 8:00 am CT

What did you think of World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria?

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Now that the event is over, we can finally look back at the experience we had with World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria over the past three months. Fun times were had — overpowered times, one-shotting mobs we had no business one-shotting, leveling supersonically via chain dungeon-running, repeating the first wing of Mogu’shan Vaults until our eyes bled for that +7% XP thread — spending more time on the queue than on the raid itself — and collecting Bronze and turning it into rewards.

The experience was certainly novel, not just because our characters were very powerful, but also because we got to use abilities like Blink on our Death Knights, and we got to have our Rogues drop meteors on enemies. We could just quest like we did in Pandaria originally, revisiting those stories, or we could run raids while leveling. We could re-experience questlines that came in content patches such as Landfall and the Isle of Thunder and collect unique class ensembles from that. We got a plethora of new mounts that were cool new recolors of old Pandaria favorites, and even the ability to spend some extra Bronze on that elusive Son of Galleon that eluded you all these years.

With the event concluding, our Timerunning characters have now been integrated into our regular rosters — and that’s another plus for a lot of people. Many players used the event to make a new character or two (or seven), perhaps trying out classes or races they hadn’t leveled before — or even having the experience of leveling a Dracthyr Evoker from a low level for the first time ever. Given how fast leveling was in Remix — especially if you were lucky and got placed into one of those crazy speedrunning dungeon groups — more people than ever now have an army of alts to call their own with Remists to thank for that.

So I have to ask: what was your experience like? Did you enjoy your time revisiting a remixed Pandaria? What were your favorite activities and rewards? What would you have done differently, and which changes do you wish Blizzard would implement for next time? And where do you want them to take us next time?

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