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Discussion > WoWAug 22, 2024 8:00 am CT

Which zone are you most looking forward to exploring in The War Within?

The first installment of World of Warcraft‘s World Soul saga, The War Within, is on the horizon with early access starting this Thursday August 22 at 3PM pacific time ahead of the August 26 worldwide release at 3PM pacific. A new expansion means new zones to explore and I’m curious to know which one you are most looking forward to exploring in The War Within. 

For me, it’s absolutely Hallowfall. I’m usually neutral on Hollow Earth concepts and set pieces — I’ll enjoy it for what it is as part of an activity and while I don’t actively seek it out, it doesn’t turn me away. This started to change once I entered Hallowfall during my hunt to locate all of the Delves throughout Khaz Algar. The zone environment is beautifully designed, highlighted by the light of Beledar, the giant chandelier in the cavern’s ceiling and accentuated by the Arathi’s remarkably well maintained architecture dotting the landscape. Even though it’s underground, Beledar illuminates (literally) enough of the zone to give the partial illusion of an open sky over a vast ocean.

Despite the scenic views, there’s still the spiders to contend with even with arachnophobia mode on. As you adventure in the southern part of the zone bordering Azj-Kahet, you’ll witness active skirmishes between the Arathi and the nerubians, adding just enough tension to remind you of the threat just beyond your view.

I didn’t get to see what the zone looks like during a void shift and it’s one of the parts I’m excited to experience once the expansion goes live. Of course, I’m also looking forward to playing through the zone story and getting answers about how the Arathi ended up in Hallowfall, why they’ve stayed, or about what’s preventing them from leaving. Is there a specific zone you’re looking forward to exploring most in The War Within? We’d love to hear which one it is and what you’re excited about it!

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