The Queue: I’m a bear

It’s almost a little rude Liz, bears say other things than rar and rawr. Like Fozzie, he tells jokes!
For example, what do you call a cow that just gave birth?
While I give you a moment to recover from your side-splitting laughter, it’s time for — The Queue!
Hey, Cory, what are you leveling first in TWW?
Well, I was looking at the various Hero talents and I gotta say that Rider of the Apocalypse does make a pretty compelling point for starting off The War Within with a Death Knight. Also Hellcaller Warlock, Void Weaver Shadow Priest, and Dark Ranger Hunter…
I’m kidding of course, while all of those are amazingly awesome hero talents I’m going to level my trusty bear first! I’d be way off-brand if I didn’t!
I do wish that I loved the Hero Talents that Guardian gets access to more, they’re fine. I just really love the idea of Druids of the Flame, and that could’ve been a great opportunity to throw them into the mix.
That being said I’m currently fish-sitting for my Mom while she’s on a trip, so I won’t be able to play TWW really for a little while.
what are your thoughts about the early access?
i think is a difficult topic. I would personally wouldn’t care if they don’t have it for the next expansion, but it is a difficult can to close.
I think it’s a good way for Blizzard to do a softer launch on their servers and iron out some tricky bugs before the whole world gets into the game. Both of these will make for a stronger launch experience for the people who didn’t get early access.
That being said, I don’t like it. I’m sure that large fortunes can be made in these first few days by players who go into crafting overdrive and it’s lame that other players won’t get that same opportunity. So I also wouldn’t be upset if they changed it to just a day of early access to lessen that gap.
That being said, in the grand scheme of things we’ll all be delving and fighting spiders(crabs) in no time, and The War Within will last an order of magnitude longer than just three days so this will simply be a blip in its existence that’s soon forgotten I’m sure.
How weird is it to not have the Queue on your usual day? :P
Not as weird as writing it from a different location!
It’s a little weird, but the hardest part is just remembering that I actually have to write it right now. I told myself several times on Thursday to actually remember to get this written before I go to bed.
It was especially tricky because I offered to take Liz’s Queue on Monday after she covered mine, and she said yes, then decided she’d rather do her own, then took Rossi’s today and didn’t think she had a third for the week in her. So It’s been a rollercoaster ride to figure out if I was even gonna be here today.
For the record I think I could handle writing five in a week, but I don’t know if y’all are ready for CoryWatch.
Which hero talents have surprised you the most so far?
Well, I still can’t believe that they left the secret third Demon Hunter Hero Talent in — Ion’s favorite seems a little too powerful with its ability to make players resign the license agreement in the middle of PVP matches. To say nothing of its +300% damage in Raid combat.
That said I’m also loving the new Rogue spec that decides to give up on fighting things directly and instead just opens a nice tavern at a forest crossroads. You’ll get better loot by offering passing adventurers quests to go and collect a certain number of doodads from the local crab(spider) population. Make sure you delve into the Tax Master point early to help you navigate the various tax forms you have to fill out to stop the local magistrate from taking more than their fair share of your adventurer-gotten loot.
Also, Warlock Hellcaller just keeps dialing someone named Mephisto and he keeps getting angrier and angrier at me. It’s probably fine, and I’m sure his threats to unmake Azeroth in a tidal wave of demons are all bluster.
Is there a level requirement or expectation or whatever for the Diablo IV expansion? I know what character I’ll be playing, but not how much I should level her.
I don’t think there’ll be a level requirement, Diablo has been pretty good at scaling things to be an appropriate challenge to you. Especially with the ease of tweaking the World Tiers into lower ones if you hit a wall that your damage isn’t ready for.
I’m sure that there’ll even be a way for you to skip right to the new content on a fresh character if you want to take one through any potential season that’s taking place at the same time. With the Diablo developers looking at changing how the Paragon system works It’s also possible that every character who is currently higher than 50 might get smooshed down to 50 for a fresh start into the new ten levels and zone.
Today’s Bacardi is unimpressed at me for being away, and not being able to bribe him for early rare mount and pet luck in The War Within. I’m sure y’all can bribe him though, he’s very bribable.
Today’s Anna Cory Earworm: Heaven Knows
Have fun storming the castle without me! I don’t know when I’ll get some real time to play, but I hope you all enjoy yourselves very much. Save some War Within for me!
Oh and continue to leave me lots of questions for Monday, when I’ll be back!
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