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The War WithinAug 26, 2024 2:00 pm CT

How to easily obtain two 34-slot bags in Khaz Algar, the Goblin Mini Fridge and Arathor Courier’s Satchel

The new continent of Khaz Algar has not just one, but two easy to get 34-slot bags for your World of Warcraft characters to acquire. The only requirement is access to the second and third zones — The Ringing Deeps and Hallowfall, respectively — which means that you’ll need to have quested up to that point on one of your characters. It’s worth noting that once you complete the main Khaz Algar campaign on one character, it unlocks Adventure Mode for your account, meaning that any other level 70 characters you have can immediately access those zones and grab the bags as well.

So let’s read up on how to find these two 34-slot bags, the Goblin Mini Fridge and Arathor Courier’s Satchel. Keep in mind that they’re Warbound, meaning that you could grab them with one character and send them to a different character — but also that both bags are unique-equipped, so you can’t equip multiple copies of each bag on the same character.

How to obtain the 34-slot bag Goblin Mini Fridge in the Ringing Deeps

Make your way to the second zone, the Ringing Deeps, near the area called Taelloch on your map. Once you’re there, you’ll want to find a Kaja’Cola Machine located inside a small building right next to the Camp Murroch flight point (so if you’ve already unlocked that one, just fly there). If you use a coordinates addon like TomTom, you could use the following command to point to the exact location on your map:

/way #2214 59.0 64.4 Kaja’Cola Machine

Enter the building and face the Kaja’Cola Machine. You’ll notice that it has four buttons you can press. You’ll want to push the buttons in the following order (from top to bottom):

3, 4, 1, 2.

That’s the Bluesberry Blast (third button), then the Orange O-pocalypse (fourth button), then the Oyster Outbreak (first button), and finally the Mangoro Madness (second button).

Then, simply collect your reward from the dispenser at the bottom of the machine — it’s your bag. (As a fun tidbit, as pointed out by our own Christian Thoma, do note that the initials of the drinks spell “BOOM” when purchased in the right order!)

How to obtain the 34-slot bag Arathor Courier’s Satchel in Hallowfall

This one is found in the northernmost part of the third zone, Hallowfall — if you’ve unlocked either the Mereldar or Lorel’s Crossing flight points, go to one of them, and then fly northwest towards the Priory of the Sacred Flame. Once you’re there, all you’ll need to do is fly high up and find the bag hanging from a ledge. Again, you can input the following line to the game if you use an addon like TomTom in order to easily find the exact position:

/way #2215 30.2 38.8 Windswept Satchel

Make sure you have enough vigor on your Skyriding mount — or just use Steady Flight if you’ve already completed The War Within Pathfinder — to get up to the correct ledge. Then, simply find the bag that’s dangling from the edge, click it, and it’s yours!

Again, it’s important to remember that these bags are Warbound but unique-equipped, and will be there for every single one of your characters, so each can, ideally, grab their own two bags.

Happy hunting, and may your bags be filled with loot!

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