The Queue: I’m still a bear

Still a bear over here. Amazingly that hasn’t changed in the few days since we last saw each other. Look if Warcraft wanted me to be something else than they shouldn’t have made bear an option. Laying waste to my enemies with the raw power of 600 pounds of bear fury just is so much better than any of the other options. Warlocks and Hunters don’t even do most of their own fighting! They’re just delivery vectors for their pets.
Bear wins!
While I put another best class trophy up on my mantle, it’s time for — The Queue!
Q4tQ: Has anyone reached max level yet?
Not me! I’m still away from my setup with no good way to play, and thus the Early Access weekend will come and go without me getting to save the world (of Warcraft.)
There are a bunch of people who’ve maxed out their first character, and I’ve even seen some who’ve done three or four or five. Then you have the Race to World First types who have 17+ characters at 80 already.
As long as they’re having a good time, I’m happy for them.
I’m seeing that it can take roughly 7-10 hours to hit the max level depending on how intense you are about things. However that number can go lower with more focused effort, or when you’ve gotten the experience bonuses from leveling up more characters in your warband. It can also go higher if you stop and smell the roses.
Just again, I hope you’re having a good time.
Well….did one last H-Fyrakk, aaaaaaaand………
No axe.
whomp whomp
I bet that shiny orange axe makes the chocolate taste terrible…
If it makes you feel better, I never finished the quest chain to make my shiny orange axe after working to get one on my Ret Paladin…
QftQ: What’s your second 80 going to be?
The loot gods have decreed that my priest will be next.
It honestly might be my Ret Paladin, I have this shiny orange axe to finish crafting…
If not the Ret Paladin, who knows! My leveling process has never been well thought out, just pick a character and go. Then I either go really hard and get it a second Keystone Master, or I ignore it and it spends the next few years next to a Tuskarr soup pot.
qftq mods: when do you think we should be able to ask question about the expansion wihout spoilers? next friday? next next tuesday? is there a way to know?
Usually, a couple of weeks is a good metric. The people who really care about not getting spoiled will have their chance to rush through, and the people who haven’t gotten to the end yet, but also don’t want spoilers, will have gotten really good at skipping past things that might spoil them.
As always use your best judgment, and it can’t hurt to err a little on the side of not spoiling people. Especially when it’s so easy to just spoiler block the text, or put the big spoiler further into your post.
Q4tQ: Have you ever accidentally exposed anyone to radioactive materials?
Well, there was that one time… but I’m not really allowed to talk about the Incident anymore.
I mean you feed one monkey an extra radioactive banana and accidentally create a race of super-intelligent monkey monsters and you’re the bad guy? Society has some weird hangups.
Q4tQ When do you think patch 11.0.5 will arrive on the PTR?
It’s going to show up a week earlier than you’d expect it to — and three weeks earlier than you can actually dedicate some time to it.
Surprise! it’s the shiny loot luck you were looking for! This is probably the week where a little luck can go the furthest, especially as you get into new zones and might not even know what you’re looking for! That rare over there that you got a mount from? It was this expansion’s Time-Lost Proto Drake and now everyone is jealous.
Thanks, Bacardi!
Today’s Anna Earworm: Like a Stone
Have a great week delving deep into The War Within! Make sure to take breaks to leave Anna lots of questions for tomorrow. I’ll catch up… eventually.
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