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The War Within > WoWAug 27, 2024 4:00 pm CT

Legacy Loot is now available for Shadowlands content

With the release of early access for World of Warcraft: The War Within players have started to notice that the Legacy Loot system is now working for Shadowlands content. The only requirement to activate Legacy Loot for Shadowlands content is to hit level 71 before running the dungeon or raid of your liking.

For those unfamiliar with the system, Legacy Loot allows players who are 11 levels or higher the ability to receive more drops, as if more party (or raid) members are present, depending if you are completing a party or raid instance. It is worth noting that Legacy Loot is separate from the system that gives you significant buffs doing older content. Fortunately Blizzard has at least heard the community to some degree and nerfed Battle for Azeroth boss health and damage by 40%. In addition, Shadowlands boss health and damage was also reduced by 65%. Your experience might vary as this in combination with increased stats and gear available in The War Within may not guarantee victory. If you are up it then the world is your oyster when it comes to Shadowlands instanced content. Don’t forget if you are looking to complete the LFR difficulty then run on over to Ta’elfar in Oribos for all of your solo queueing needs.

Here is all Shadowlands instanced content Legacy Loot will work in:


  • De Other Side
  • Halls of Atonement
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
  • Plaguefall
  • Sanguine Depths
  • Spires of Ascension
  • Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
  • The Necrotic Wake
  • Theater of Pain


  • Castle Nathria
  • Sanctum of Domination
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones

With those details out of the way, what dungeon or raid are you going to be running first? Is there a particular instance that has caused you grief for years now that you plan to revisit first with an increased chance of seeing the item each week? What is your white whale from Shadowlands, that elusive piece of gear that you have yet to see despite your best efforts? Those of you hoping to be able to one shot and quickly clear Shadowlands content — like myself — we just have to wait and see if that ever comes. In the meantime, let’s just be happy for those who can now have a better time hunting down their sought after appearances.

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