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The QueueAug 29, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: I am literally on fire

So far I’ve tried Arms and Fury out, and I think Colossus is the best spec for Arms and Mountain Thane is by far my preferred Fury Hero spec. Slayer just hasn’t been fun. But that’s just my opinion.

It’s the Queue. Let’s get ourselves in a state of emotional agitation.


Halfway through 77, gonna stop for the night. But as a sidenote… Ringing Deeps is a muuuch better underground zone than Deepholm.

I mean, I don’t disagree.

So far all of the zones in TWW feel more organic, more like places beings would actually live in and work. The sheer breadth and width of potential activities and quests is really hard to ignore. I’m really impressed with all of it so far.


Lore Q for the Rossi Queue: do you think the Diablo IV expansion will give us any clues as to what’s going on with the angels? If I remember right, all we know is that they’ve closed themselves off in the Heavens, and I don’t remember that coming up much in the main quest. Do you think we’ll learn any more about that?

I think we may hear a few things, but it definitely will be second and perhaps even third in priority overall. This is definitely an expansion about Mephisto and what he’s up to and if the Angels come up at all it will be in terms of how they were culpable in the actions of the Zakarum under Mephisto’s control, and possibly in any news we find out about what Tyrael has been doing over the decades.

Diablo 3 was unusual in just how much of the Angels we got to see, really — I expect them to be far more in the wings this time around.  I don’t think it a stretch to think we’ll hear something, but I don’t think it will be very much.


qftq: which ability would you add to your class, but only for flavour?
I would like to give DH a imperfect basic ability from the other classes that represent the old life of a DH, maybe a cd stealth, or an ice shield, or a small dire beast. something like that

It’s been my go to answer for years now, but I’ll say it again — let Warriors have a Battle Res that’s literally yelling at a dead person so loud and profanely that they jerk upright and back into barely being alive just out of a pure desire to escape the noise.

Call it something like “Get up you goldbrickers” and put it on a 15 minute cooldown. Maybe you learn it from an old grizzled Orc NPC.


Okay, who broke the servers this time? I’m guessing it was the Gnomes.

Honestly I think the universe saw that I was enjoying WoW and could not let that slide, so I apologize.


What is the cranberry of magics? Shadow mixes with fire and frost, arcane plus nature gets you astral damage – is there a magical type that readily blends with all the rest? We are mixing talent trees a bit with hero talents. We are mixing our factions with easier grouping. Will there be more magical mixing ahead? Thanks as always!

Please never put cranberry in anything you intend for me to drink.

I’d say that certain magic types, like Fel, Light, Shadow all kind of work as a sort of magical club soda. Fel has been seen to work with void/shadow magic — Gul’dan even experimented with creating void/fel monstrosities in Hellfire Citadel. And we’ve seen with the Naaru that Light and Shadow can coexist.

And different kinds of power can create similar effects. Necromancy can be powered by the Light, we’ve seen people conjure flames with Fel, with Arcane, and even with the Light. Maybe it’s less about mixing and more about many paths to the same destination with magic — if you want to freeze someone, you can do it in a variety of ways from Death Magic to Arcane Magic.

But seriously do people really enjoy mixing things with cranberry? I’m shuddering right now.

So that’s the Queue for this week. Me and these dorks are going to go save robots made out of rocks from spider-folks.

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