The Darkmoon Faire is in town this week, so get your bonus Profession Knowledge points while you can!

Leveling professions in The War Within, can be an expensive, tedious process — even more so than in Dragonflight — so we’re happy to report that the Darkmoon Faire is in town to award you with easy profession points. All it takes is venturing out to the Faire and doing a simple, fairly easily completed quest, which will give you two skill points and three knowledge points in your The War Within profession.
As you get higher in your profession, skill and knowledge can be hard-earned, so even these few points are valuable in the long journey to maxing out your War Within professions. Even if you aren’t leveling professions, visiting the Faire and riding the carousel or roller coaster gives you the WHEE! buff, which increases XP and reputation gains — a nice bonus for leveling alts and equally handy for mains working on Renown. Though the Darkmoon Faire does take you away from your Khaz Algar quests, rep grinds, and all the rest, it’s well worth the trip.
Here’s everything you need to know about training professions at the Darkmoon Faire, available through Saturday, September 7.
How to get to the Darkmoon Faire
First things first, you’ll need to get to the Faire itself. Go to your favorite capital city — though Orgrimmar and Stormwind are usually the easiest to reach — and look for a Darkmoon Faire Mystic Mage standing under a Darkmoon Faire banner and some balloons. In Stormwind, you’ll find them in the center of the city near the Auction House, while in Orgrimmar they’re on the upper level near the flight master. If you’ve never been to the Faire on this character, they’ll have a quest for you to visit which will award you a few tickets for your trouble. If you’ve visited the Faire before, they’ll offer to teleport you to the nearest portal for a scant 25 copper. (If you don’t want to spend the cash, you’ll find the portal outside Thunder Bluff for Horde and outside Goldshire for Alliance.)
There are two things you want to take care of before going through the portal:
- Make sure you’ve trained War Within-level professions in Dornogal. If you haven’t, these quests will only give you skill points for previous expansions, and since you can only earn these points once a month, it’s a little heartbreaking if you forgot your training.
- Pick up any specific reagents you need to complete these quests (usually found on general vendors or trade vendors in major cities). Most (but not all) crafting quests require items that aren’t sold at the Faire, be prepared by checking out the relevant quests below.
Now let’s take a look at the profession quests available at the Darkmoon Faire.
How to get profession knowledge at the Darkmoon Faire
Once you’ve gotten yourself to the Darkmoon Faire, there are a series of quests depending on your professions. These quests are given by questgivers across the Faire. Just head down the main drag with the various booths and you’ll run into the questgivers.
Each primary profession quest rewards 2 skill points and 3 knowledge in the related profession:
- Chronos:
- Herbalism: Herbs for Healing
- Jewelcrafting: Keeping the Faire Sparkling
- Skinning: Tan My Hide
- Sylannis:
- Alchemy: A Fizzy Fusion (requires 5 Moonberry Juice)
- Yebb Neblegear:
- Blacksmithing: Baby Needs Two Pair of Shoes
- Sayge:
- Inscription: Writing the Future (requires 5 Light Parchment)
- Enchanting: Putting Trash to Good Use
- Rinling:
- Leatherworking: Eyes on the Prizes (requires 10 Shiny Bauble, 5 Coarse Thread, 5 Blue Dye)
- Mining: Rearm, Reuse, Recycle
- Engineering: Talkin’ Tonks
- Selina Dourman:
- Tailoring: Banners, Banners Everywhere (requires 1 Coarse Thread, 1 Red Dye, 1 Blue Dye)
There are also quests for secondary professions that reward 3 skill points each. These are perhaps a bit less important as none of them have profession trees that require collecting knowledge — and Archeology doesn’t exist in Dragonflight at all — but they’ll still help you level up a little faster.
- Stamp Thunderhorn:
- Cooking: Putting the Crunch in the Frog (requires 5x Simple Flour)
- Fishing: Spoilin’ for Salty Sea Dogs
- Professor Thaddeus Paleo:
- Archeology: Fun for the Little Ones (requires 15 Fossil Archaeology Fragments) — skill points will be applied to your current top level Archeology profession
If you want a little something extra while you’re visiting the Faire, grab a ticket book and ride the carousel or the roller coaster to get +10% reputation and experience buff that lasts one hour. (Note that this does not persist through death, so be careful out there!) If you’re rep grinding or working on leveling, you can also pick up the consumable Darkmoon Top Hat for 10 prize tickets which will give you the same buff, but in hat form.
This will only be available while the Darkmoon Faire is up, so you should stop by before Saturday to grab these easy skill points while you can.
Originally published December 7, 2022; updated September 3, 2024.
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