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Discussion > The War Within > Transmog > WoWSep 3, 2024 8:00 am CT

How often do you change your transmog while leveling?

Given that we are mere days into The War Within, chances are that you’ve already obtained more than a few upgrades on your old Dragonflight gear. This brings up an interesting conundrum: what to do with the resulting mismatched appearance of a carefully curated transmog outfit combined with a clunky-looking leveling helm?

There are a few ways to handle this most important of choices in a new expansion. Some adventurers in the Blizzard Watch staff room had the same approach as me — let it slide. Ever since I watched a tiny pixelated Link don a blue tunic for the first time, I have looked forward to seeing gear upgrades change my character’s appearance. This has carried all the way to World of Warcraft, meaning that I will keep new gear appearances even if it takes me from looking like I just saved Azeroth to looking like I just stepped out of the Dornogal Charity Clothing Drive.

The same logic applies at the end of the leveling journey. Once the max-level gear drops start looking like armor and weapons that would stand a chance against an army of spiders, seeing my characters once again begin to appear formidable is its own reward.

Other Blizzard Watch writers had different approaches. Some even said they maintain their transmog through each new piece of gear, summoning their Grand Expedition Yak each time an upgrade drops in order to keep up a snazzy appearance. I can certainly understand that — I feel like my warband has single-handedly put Mystic Birdhat’s kids through college at this point.

So how do you handle a deluge of new gear throwing a wrench into your perfectly planned transmog ensembles? Are you constantly changing your appearance? Will you wait until the loot drops slow down before slipping into your favorite old tier set?

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