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The War Within > WoWSep 5, 2024 9:29 am CT

Just another maintenance, uh, Thursday? WoW servers offline for four hour maintenance today

While I think the overall launch of The War Within has gone well — the servers have been online when they were supposed to, zones, dungeons, and delves are accessible, quests are playable, and so on — there have been a few issues. The Auction House keeps going down, crafting orders have been on and off, and other miscellaneous bugs have come and gone. And there’s probably even more going on behind the scenes if these extra maintenances we’ve had since launch are any indication.

Today, Thursday September 5, the retail WoW servers are offline from 7am to 11am pacific.

While I much prefer maintenance to bugs, I do miss our predictable Tuesday maintenance schedule. Even if it was extended Tuesday maintenance, you came to expect that sometimes Tuesday was just a write-off in World of Warcraft. Recent downtime has been less predictable, and makes it a lot more difficult to get in a little extra WoW time in the morning.

There’s no official word on what this maintenance will be accomplishing, but let’s hope the servers are back up (and stable) by this afternoon.

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Filed Under: Downtime, Maintenance

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