The Queue: Take that Lilith!

I’ve finally beaten the Echo of Lilith by myself! No super-powered characters taking pity on me and carrying me for seasonal completion — this victory was all mine!
I think that the Echo of Lilith is the hardest single fight in any Diablo game that isn’t just running a Greater Rift or Pit level 1000. Those are just artificial difficulties where you simply cannot output the damage necessary to kill things before you get flattened. Echo of Lilith on the other hand is all about dodging all of her nonsense, while also doing a bunch of damage to her quickly.
It does highlight the issues of the Diablo 4 difficulty where basically all of my deaths felt like she just one-shot me, and that’s not a fun way to lose. I want a knockdown drag-out fight where we’re both running on fumes at the end and I only narrowly squeak out a victory. I guess this will have to do until then though. With her defeat, I’m pretty much finished with Diablo 4‘s current season. Which is a nice feeling! I can pop on and kill some demons if the mood strikes, and not worry about it otherwise.
While I clean all of the demon blood off of my armor, it’s time for — The Queue!
Hey all, skifr here (sk-if-er), with a Diablo-themed question for you. As I was reading through the notes on the most recent campfire chat, I noticed something interesting. One of the new mythic unique items grants additional damage to angels and demons. Would love to know your thoughts on when (and in what context) we could be fighting angels in this next expansion (Tinfoil Hats encouraged!). Thanks
Well, there are lots of good reasons that we might have to fight some angels. The Diablo angels have been pretty big jerks to all of the little people on Sanctuary, with the exception of Tyrael — but even he can be a bit of a jerk sometimes. So putting some of them in their place while we roll around getting our loot isn’t that far out of the realm of possibility.
I bet it might have something to do with that blood of Lilith we were fed all the way back at the beginning of Diablo 4. That seems like a condition that they wouldn’t really stop to ask questions about and go right to the stabbing us with pointy spears part of their training. After all that must mean we’re either a cultist or an abomination and neither of those are something they could let run around un-stabbed.
That’s my best guess as to the why, for the where I bet it’s an angelic version of the Helltides that just got added. The Infernal Compasses that unlock them seem to list the enemies you’re going to fight in the Helltide, and right now there are only demonic Hordes, but I could see a heavenly arena presided over by the Angiris Council as another option.
Initially, I thought that it might be part of the new Dark Citadel endgame activity, but that seems to be fully geared toward fighting super-powered Khazra. Not that we couldn’t see a similar gameplay feature that was focused on Angels in a following season, this is the first Diablo raid, so who knows how quickly they’ll put new ones out.
Q4tQ: What would you use an 88 inch iPhone for?
I’d finally be able to show my parents memes without them having to hold the phone super far away! I’d also finally have a nice new sled for going down hills in winter. I don’t think that we’d get much usable footage, either snow or sky, but it could be fun.
I do need a new coffee table, and I’m sure that having the ability to also watch movies on it wouldn’t be that impacted by resting my coffee cup on it as long as I remembered to use a coaster.
I don’t think that it’d be very good for making calls, I like to be able to wander back and forth while talking on the phone sometimes, and that would be a two-person carry for easiness. Or a large unwieldy backpack harness. Either way, I don’t have a Bluetooth headset, and after buying an 88-inch phone I don’t think I could even afford one.
Does anyone else wish there were an entirely useless Skyriding ability that would let you do a loop de loop? I am entirely fine with burning a point of vigor on that with absolutely no actual benefit.
That’s the best kind of nonsense. So obviously yes, we should get a nicely animated loop de loop! I think that I’ve also said before that we should get a nice quick flip-over and change direction, although that one could be more of a useful thing, or at least worked into Skyriding Races. I can see needing to burn a quick reverse to go underneath a tree or take a different path back to the start.
Although, as I’m sitting here and thinking about a weird criss-cross lace pattern straight up from the race master — maybe don’t do that.
Wow Lions just got robbed.
I love how this could be about either the Alliance or Football!
I have no strong feelings about the NFL, but I’m happy y’all are happy it’s back.
On the other hand, I do have strong feelings about the Alliance — and I’m glad those lions were robbed. Yeah, I said it!
For the Horde!!
Today’s Bacardi has just had his picture taken with the flash on by accident. He’s not quite sure what to make of this, but I don’t think he’s entirely pleased. To top it all off he woke up just as I walked into the room, so it’s not looking like a lucky week for me, maybe all of y’all will have better luck.
Today’s Anna Earworm™: Wolves
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