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The QueueSep 12, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: I like the in-game cinematics, perhaps my Draenei likes them even more

I was going to open this Queue out talking about how Tyrannosaurus rex may have been even bigger than current fossils would indicate, but then I was playing my Lightforged Draenei Warrior and I noticed that every time Thrall and my Draenei were in the same cutscene he looked to be checking Thrall’s butt out. It’s strange to wonder if my character is staring too hard at someone’s butt.


Death to Mystic Birdhat!!! No more hearing about the function of yak tails!!!

I really have no problems with Mystic Birdhat. I actually originally got the yak entirely for Reforging and so, when it became a Transmog mount I was over the moon. Over the years, I’ve used that mount so thoroughly that I am very much inclined to think of him as a friend.

A friend who has made a ton of gold off of my addiction over the years, I admit.


Q4tQ Did you purchase the Grand Expedition Yak before they added a Transmogrification vendor?

Sure did, I abused the heck out of Reforging back then. I remember even popping on to the mount for my raid every time we moved to a place where I could mount up in Throne of Thunder.

I admit, even though I don’t really raid much anymore — going blind, you know how it goes — I am still nostalgic for those days of popping out the mount for the raid. It was like when I got the Ring to unlock Upper Blackrock Spire, it was a nice feeling of being able to do that.


Downside of the bear is that it is a repair-only mount; you cannot use it as a vendor for your greys when you’re out and about. Makes me sad, because I would have definitely replaced the yak on a few characters, for style/theme reasons (my nelves were all about to get up on bears; my druid still will, but the yak will have to find a place back onto her bars, somewhere).

Is it weird that I really don’t want to ride around on that bear? And not just because it sounds like an innuendo, but because his face looks like he’s sleepy and just wants to crash out. He’s a very tired looking bear, I’d feel bad riding him around.

To be really honest, of all the very many mounts in WoW, I think bears are just not a great option. It’s a personal opinion thing. There’s nothing wrong with bears, but I perfect cats or wolves. In fact, on my Night Elf, I tend to ride wolves a lot.

I will admit I had a Transmog Elekk for my Draenei, who is even more of a clothes horse than my Night Elf is.


I’m not spending $20 just to get a mount that doesn’t do anything the yak doesn’t do. Boo!

I can’t really pretend this isn’t a huge factor for me, I don’t really have the $20 to spare right now.


I actually miss Reforging. Having a way to optimize secondary stats was really nice, and I never really got why people found it that complicated. I mean, yeah, it’s a lot of math to do on your own, but it’s not like people didn’t create websites and add-ons to completely automate it if you hate doing that.

See, I’m of two minds here. On the one hand, I enjoyed having the ability to control my stats and reforge away less desirable ones to get closer to my idea itemization. On the other hand, that’s not what they’d intended Reforging to do — it had been intended for making gear that dropped with stats people didn’t want still somewhat attractive. Think tanking pants for a DPS.

I do think it’s easy to forget how much Ask Mr. Robot ended up being an ever more complex game of stat Jenga, though. After a while it was almost fully automated, but that didn’t make it fun or engaging.


I’m sharing my history of success

Doing delves level 8, 15 ilevels above my own. Failing miserably
“bloody i don’t heal enough to do this level”
“wait, doesn’t brann has a healing spec?”
*change spec*
Delve level 8 complete

I had to go back and look again because I had not even noticed he had a DPS spec. I guess as a Fury Warrior I just assumed I’d need healing, and it’s not like he doesn’t DPS he’s constantly shooting things.

Now I’m wondering if I should try and spec him DPS and see how far I can get without heals.


I’ve seen jokes about the PS5 Pro was meant to heavily feature Concord but that game is now a historic flop alongside the likes of Atari with ET.

I watched a video recently that pointed out that Concord is an order of magnitude worse than some of the greatest failures in gaming history, and specifically pointed out that even ET — a game often blamed for the failure of the entire gaming industry that nearly wiped it out — was still a top seller for December of 82 and January of 83, and ultimately sold 1.5 million copies.

Concord has sold roughly 25,000 copies. 

I mean, what’s really amazing to me is that ET had two good months at the top of video game sales and Concord is already deemed such a colossal failure that Sony has already shut the servers down. Guys, Anthem kept it’s servers up for four years — and indeed, might even still be up (I am not gonna re-download Anthem, guys.)

Concord is such a disaster it makes Redfall look like a success, put it that way.


I’m on my horse and my horse is on a stormrook

Look at Red’s horse. Then back to Red. Then back to his horse. His horse is on a stormrook.

Okay, guys.

I really think my Draenei is checking Thrall out. Honestly, considering Anduin and Magni are also in his visual range, I kind of hope he’s checking out Thrall.

Jaina, however, is definitely checking Magni out.

This has been the Queue. So much creeping going on, y’all.

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