Ranking the remastered (and new) 20th Anniversary Tier 2 sets from best to worst

One of the rewards from the upcoming World of Warcraft 20th anniversary celebration will be graphically remastered Tier 2 transmog sets. Most items from these sets dropped all the way back in Blackwing Lair which hit the live servers in July 2005, and fortunately in the past 20 years, we’ve gained a few more pixels. To celebrate, all thirteen classes will have their own updated look, even the ones that weren’t available to players at the time the original Tier 2 armor dropped. That means Death Knights, Monks, Demon Hunters, and Evokers get brand-new ensembles. You’ll be able to earn these cosmetics using the event’s currency, Bronze Celebration Tokens. And if you’re transmog-obsessed, rejoice — there’s an achievement for buying one of the sets that reduces the price of the rest.
But once you’ve got all thirteen, which ones will have staying power as awe-inspiring looks, and which ones will fizzle out before the end of The War Within Season 1? Let’s put on our critic glasses and award the best while dissecting the rest.
Looks that kill
The new Monk set is the clear winner for me. The jade highlights and crackling lightning really pop, and those emerald-taloned boots look vicious on the runway and in the depths of dungeons. I fell like it works with any race, for any task, at any time. It’s also going to be instantly recognizable for a long time to come.
I’m a huge fan of the Rogue ensemble, as it just screams ‘person who will murder you before you see them.’ The swept-back highlights on the shoulders and the overall bloody color scheme are really enhanced by the smoky red glowing effect. Finally, you really can’t go wrong with the Warrior armor. It’s got four axes, eight skulls with glowing eyes, a mean purple-gold color scheme, and green highlights that would be sure to intimidate even the most despicable of foes.
Style power
Sitting just outside of the top tier on my rankings is the Druid look. I’m captivated by the multitude of tributes to nature like bear claw spaulders and tree bark gauntlets, but what really impresses me is the antlers. The forward tilt gives the druid a rakish appearance, as if they are listening for the merest hint of the footfalls of their foes. I can’t wait to don this set with my Highmountain Tauren to maximize my antlerage.
Warlocks might be near the bottom of the class list alphabetically, but their ensemble is towards the top in my eye. It looks like someone raided the sharpest threads from Gul’dan’s closet, with the different shades of green combining perfectly to give a poisonous fel aura. I’ve never been a huge fan of the Mage set, but the updated plating on the hands and hips is welcome. The reason that it pushed its way up the list past other looks is the new shoulder effect — previously a blurry bluish fog, Mages can now sport permanent arcane bubbles on either side of their head. Snazzy.
Making it work
I’ve got the Death Knight armor in the middle of my list because I can’t sort my feelings on it. The details are amazing, like the smoking icy runes and ample spikes. And yet, it feels less inspired by the Lich King and more the exact thing the Lich King wears head to toe. The angles of the Demon Hunter set are just right, but you’ve got to be a fan of those specific colors coming together. The shoulders are fierce and I’ll likely use them on many mix-and-match transmog outfits, but the entire look makes me think that this Demon Hunter is ready to head off for their first day of school — are those shorts? They look like shorts.
The Evoker ensemble has grown on me. It looks great from certain angles that show off the delicate swooping of the horns and pauldrons. The burning vermilion gems bring the look up, but the dusky mulberry of the armor makes this look fade to the back of any raiding party. I have the Priest set lower on my list because it took me the longest to identify it. If you squint, it looks like a Mage and a Shaman had to dress up a Priest in whatever they had at the bottom of their Void Storage.
And the rest
I’ve got the Paladin set down here in my lowest tier. Go ahead, throw your tomatoes. The update does an amazing job of giving 3D detail to all of the previously pixelated scrolls and chains, and I’m sure a lot of players will don this armor and release their Grand Expedition Yak into the wild. But to me this armor has always looked like a Rogue pretending to be a Paladin.
I am uninspired by the Shaman ensemble, which starts off sizzling with the amazing shoulder pieces but falls flat everywhere else. The choice to enhance instead of downplay the very Horde-looking belt buckle is curious — when the original armor dropped, Shamans were Horde-only. How will Alliance players feel walking around Stormwind with that insignia front and center? Finally, the Hunter set has never been my favorite, but I just can’t get over the update to the boots. I said I loved the Monk’s jade toe spikes, but these golden claws make me think that I’ll find Hunters roaming around Where The Wild Things Are.
OK, critic glasses off — all of these sets look pretty amazing. Updating some of the most well-loved gear in the game was a great idea executed masterfully. They’re all got that class-specific flavor and most of them remind me of a major character that would feel comfortable in that particular Tier 2 set. We have heard that the 20th anniversary event will span over two months, so you’ll have plenty of time to hit the racks and earn your favorite look. I’m personally hoping they add an achievement for collecting all thirteen, because that might be my top priority for the whole event. Which looks are the hit and misses in your book?
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