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The War Within > WoWSep 17, 2024 9:15 am CT

It’s Race to World First day, and The War Within servers are down for another extended maintenance

After The War Within Season 1 started last week, I know players are all eager to jump online and check their Great Vault this morning to see what’s shown up. (Probably three pairs of bracers, knowing my luck.) However, we have a little longer to wait: World of Warcraft: The War Within is down for maintenance from 7am to 10am pacific.

It’s a long maintenance in a string of long maintenances, though they haven’t been stretching outside of their maintenance windows, so they haven’t been too disruptive (except for those of us who like to sneak on to check our Vaults and do a couple of World Quests in the morning).

When the servers come back online, Mythic Nerub-ar Palace will open kicking off the latest Race to World First, and after having a chance to jump into the new raid it will be interesting to watch the best players in the world tackle these same fights. But if you aren’t interested in that level of play, Nerub-ar LFR Wing 2 and Story Mode also open today — so basically there’s something for everyone. Well, at least everyone who loves slaughtering spiders and occasionally (frequently) getting stuck in webs.

Cataclysm Classic also has a slightly long maintenance today in advance of its Phase 3 launch: its servers are down from 7am to 9am pacific. Traditional WoW Classic has its usual downtime, and will be offline from 7am – 8am pacific.

If the maintenance is extended, I’ll let you know right here. Otherwise, I’ll see you in Dornogal later today.

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