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The War Within > WoW > WoW ClassicSep 24, 2024 9:30 am CT

It’s another extended Tuesday maintenance for The War Within and WoW Classic — now extended to 12pm pacific

The War Within servers have another extended maintenance this morning: NA servers are offline until 12pm pacific (or 3pm eastern). Originally scheduled to end at 10am, maintenance has been pushed back two hours. Blizzard usually pushes maintenance back an hour at a time, so it’s a little surprising to see it bumped back by a whole two hours.

But it’s WoW Classic that’s being hit by the worst maintenance this week, with servers scheduled to be offline through 3pm pacific, presumably to prep for Season of Discovery Phase 5 which launches on Thursday.

But today’s TWW maintenance hits in the middle of the Nerub-ar Palace Race to World First. North American Team Liquid got the World First kill of the Silken Court last night, and are now waiting for the servers to come back up to get back to raiding — whether to reclear the raid or go straight to Queen Ansurek we don’t know. That could give EU guilds Echo and Method a little extra time to up on Silken Court, though EU servers will have their own maintenance tomorrow.

Of course, I want the servers back up to check my own Great Vault for the week, and I imagine a lot of you are in the same boat. Here’s to hoping the servers come back online on time so we can sneak into the game to get started on our weekly rounds — would could include LFR Wing 3, launching today. It’s the fastest Blizzard has ever rolled out an LFR, and I think it’s a great change for casual players, who can check out the whole raid without the wait.

We’ll keep you updated on today’s maintenance here, so check back.

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