The Queue: Walking in an Autumn Wonderland

I love autumn, although I am admittedly more of an apple guy than a pumpkin guy. Still, there’s something about nature dying and imminent starvation during the winter months that just warms my soul like a mug of cider in front of a fire. Soon the leaves will be changing and the air will be crisp and cool and it’ll just be a grand old time for everyone! Well, except those for whom the next few months are technically spring, although I guess congrats to them on making it through the winter.
This week is the Tokyo Game Show and already one of my wishes came true with the new Professor Layton and the New World of Steam trailer. Sadly Nintendo remains mum on their plans for the Switch successor so it’s becoming quite unlikely we’ll hear anything about it this week.
While I patiently wait for my attempt at a reverse jinx to work, let’s answer some questions!
Can you not get Valorstones until you hit level 80?
You can not! Since upgrading doesn’t work on low-level gear there isn’t much point in getting them before 80 (although it wouldn’t hurt to get a little so you can start upgrading as soon as you hit 80). There’s probably also the concern that you could cap them while leveling without a way to spend them which devalues them as a reward.
All that said, maybe the easy answer for the WoW team is to stop capping stuff? Ok, fine, you can cap top difficulty crests but let players build up Valorstones if they want.
Why does the front page think I’m fuzzybunny?
For some reason Patreon is displaying incorrect information in the various “welcome” blocks on the website. Even though it’s wrong, we’ve confirmed that you’re still getting your benefits not those of the person whose name is listed — it’s just a display issue.
Regarding the discussion of a couple of days ago, do you think Prioress Murrpray was acting on orders from the Emperor of Arathor, or just went rogue on her own?
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought lately because the whole quest chain into the dungeon felt like it came out of nowhere. Doing the campaign you meet a void cult amongst the Arathi and now there’s a necromancy-happy extreme light cult too? That’s too many cults!
In the particular case of the Prioress I think she just cracked (for lack of a better term) after Arathi started falling to the forces of darkness. You need soldiers to fight an apocalyptic battle and they’ve been running out of them for awhile now. Our arrival was probably the final straw — either reunification with the Emperor or the battle itself is Soon™ and preparations are now severely lacking for either scenario.
So with Midnight on the horizon somewhere… will we see Silvermoon as the next flying capital city, do you think? Or a re-built Dalaran?
I think we’re done with flying capital cities for the time being. Dalaran was impressive but it was also a tremendous resource hog (it’s why Crystalsong Forest has almost nothing happening in it, and why they smartly stuck it off the coast in Legion). Plus it ends up being a running concern as to what it’s doing — why didn’t it go somewhere to help during the aftermath of the Catalclysm? It’d make more sense for the Kirin Tor to build a new magic city that stays grounded for now.
As for Silvermoon I don’t know why they’d want to elevate it. Sure there’s all that Scourge damage but it’s located in the elf homeland; there are emotional ties to its physical location that Dalaran didn’t really have.
I do think we get a rebuilt Silvermoon for Midnight but that’s still attached to Azeroth not flying amongst the clouds.
What the hell is up with the mining weekly quests in this expansion? They want 10 Bismuth and 2 Null Stones!?! That is like +4k worth of mats for just 3 mining knowledge.
I think the dev team severely underestimated our need for Bismuth in the expansion, and the quests were likely written and programmed while laboring under the delusion that Bismuth’s value would be similar to Ironclaw’s and not where it currently stands: almost as valuable as a WoW Token.
Null Stones aren’t easy to get either, and they annoyingly can’t be created from your reagent bank. Unfortunately I don’t think we’ll see a change, so I’m sure as heck not bothering with the weekly. No knowledge is worth that.
What awaits her Majesty, Moira Thaurissan, and her son, next?
To be honest I don’t think we’re going to see them a lot from here on out. Obviously Dagran is still going to work with Brinthe to drop Titan lore info every few weeks, but it feels like Moira and Dagran are both focused on Earthen knowledge rather than following up on the events in Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet. That’s not to say they’ll be absent for the remainder of the expansion, just that their interactions with us will be greatly reduced compared to patch 11.0.
Speaking of Dagran …
Which Blizzard character would you most like to take a vacation with? And who would be your worst option?
I’d like to take a vacation with Dagran! He’s a sharp kid and would likely be keen to visit all the local museums and stuff that I like to visit while on vacation.
Of course I’m going to cheat and also state he’d be the worst option to go on vacation with, as even I like to just relax in a hammock or beach chair sometimes and he doesn’t seem like the type of person who could sit still long enough to get some primo relaxation time with.
That’s all the time and space we have for questions today! Everyone have a great day and be sure to ask Matt plenty of questions!
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