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The QueueSep 26, 2024 11:59 am CT

The Queue: I am partially fused with infinity

A little bit?

You’re riding a huge cat! And stars are falling all around you!

Hey, y’all. It’s The Queue. Shattered Space is out next Monday. Sadly, I cannot afford it — I had to choose, and I chose Vessel of Hatred. Plus Dragon Age: The Veilguard will be out soon. I’m sorry, Shattered Space, but I am not a Being of Indescribably Power.

Let us do that Queue that you do so well.


Didn’t the One Ring rightfully belong to Sauron? Were the Fellowship and the Council guilty of conspiracy to vandalize private property?

It’s funny you ask.

I’m not sure I agree with all of that, but I do agree that when Isildur took the Ring after the defeat and discorporation of Sauron, that was an act of war and thus the Ring became Isiludur’s as Spoils of War. Once Isildur died, the ring was lost until the Hobbit Deagol found it and died at the hands of his cousin Smeagol. Unlike Isildur, Smeagol was not at war with Deagol and his act of murder means that he could not legally profit from his crime, and thus Smeagol/Gollum could never have been considered to rightfully own the Ring.

This means that Bilbo’s acquisition of the Ring from Gollum made him the lawful owner, and therefore Frodo likewise became rightful owner when Bilbo passed the Ring on to him. So no, Sauron was not the rightful owner of the Ring. Frodo was, and it was within his rights to decide to throw it into a volcano.


Why would flying cities use more resources? I thought the issue was that bakck in Wrath the servers weren’t accustomed to having both factions in the same place at such scale? It didn’t seem to be an issue in Legion

I have a friend who used to be a software and network engineer at Blizzard, and back in 2019 he broke down the problem with Dalaran in Crystalsong for me so that I, an idiot, could barely understand it.

Basically, according to my friend, the problem was that when you zoned into Crystalsong, your computer not only tried to render everything you could see or interact with in Crystalsong itself, but it also tried to render every building, every NPC, every Player, just plain everything in Dalaran. And remember, at that time, Dalaran was the effective hub city for the expansion, meaning that it was almost always full of players. Going straight to Dalaran via teleportation or a Griff/Wyvern? You just had to render Dalaran itself, but going to Crystalsong? Now you have to render all of that zone and all of Dalaran at once, even though you couldn’t actually see most of it due to it being up above you floating there.

It’s not just that you have to render two zones, but you have to render both of them while one of them was the busiest zone in the entire game at that time and had wildly varying but almost always high player counts as well as many mobile NPC’s. Now, I’m just a simple Caveman Lawyer, but it makes sense to me.


So the mining trainer basically want me to pay 20k gold for something I gain passively by just mining ore anyway?

I haven’t even tried to engage with professions this expansion. They’ve hurt me too many times.


what’s good, queuebicles

I thought you were making some kind of weird Quebec joke for some reason. Then I started pron0uncing it the way clueless modern folks like me pronounce Greek words as “Q-bic-lees”

Now I’m just sitting here alone in the dark wondering how my life ended up like this.


Q4tQ If you were to name a child or a pet after a video game character, whom would you name them after?

Have any Alpha Flight characters appeared in a video game? Apparently they have!

Then I can safely say I named literally all of my pets since 2006 after Alpha Flight members.


The Ny’alotha bosses are like 15 miles away from each and you can’t even mount, N’zoth deserved to die just for this

And sometimes you need to run all the way down to kill one and then all the way back out, it’s maddening. It makes me nostalgic for the freaking Suppression Room in BWL.


Decided to use my neti pot to flush my sinuses, thinking it might help. I couldn’t find the saline packets it came with so I looked up the salt to water ratio appropriate for a sinus flush and came across some info that said if the person can tolerate it then use a mixture which is about a tablespoon and a half per 8oz for a sinus infection. That this would help kill and flush bacteria from the infection out.

Using a neti pot already feels like odd AF because it sort of trips the same feelings waterboarding does (to a much lesser degree) but I learned that I cannot tolerate that much salt in water going up and out my sinuses. They as well as the rest of my nose felt like they were on fire. I immediately followed up with a more diluted version to rinse the first stuff out and it helped slightly, but it still sucked pretty bad for about 10 minutes.

Why on Earth would you try a high salt solution on the inside of your nose without knowing whether or not you could tolerate it? You don’t just dump a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and then shoot it up into your sinuses. That’s madness. Madness. Madness.

I am in simultaneous awe and fear of you right now.


Yeah, dont do Delves while waiting for a queue, even though it plays “joining an instance group sound” your queues are not paused and your progress in the delve is not saved, when you return from your queued group content, you will be standing outside the delve with it reset

Just wanted to make sure y’all saw this.

Okay, folks. That’s the Queue for this week. See y’all next Thursday.

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