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Discussion > The War Within > Transmog > WoWOct 1, 2024 8:00 am CT

How have you been liking the new transmog rules?

Collecting transmog appearances in World of Warcraft has been kicked up a notch for a few months now, thanks to the advent of Warbands. Along with all characters on an account now sharing reputation and being able to send currency to each other, previous restrictions on unlocking an item’s appearance based on its armor type have been lifted.

Golden Staff of the Sin’dorei finally dropped for you on a Sunwell run… on your Rogue? No worries! It now gets added to your appearances even though your Rogue doesn’t know which end the magic comes out of. Log onto your Mage to complete that perfect Silvermoon Blood Elf ensemble.

I have to admit, when I first heard about this feature, I had mixed feelings. Sure I would be able to collect a lot more transmog very easily. But I was worried that lifting armor usability restrictions would cheapen what I had already earned the hard way since the end of Cataclysm (Yes, Cataclysm. Thirteen years. We’ve been transmogging for thirteen years.)

However, I’m not one to judge a feature before trying it, and a lot of players have been clamoring for this very change for a long time. So when The War Within went live and the restrictions disappeared, one of the first things I did was take a break from my Dornogal newcomer tour and run Icecrown Citadel for the 187th time.

And…it was amazing.

I had so much pink text in my chat window from new appearances being added that it looked like there was a Sweet Sixteen happening at The Frozen Throne. All my previous reservations melted away as I looted three previously unusable tokens from Deathbringer Saurfang (as always) and slotted them into my ‘mail to alts’ bag instead of my ‘vendor trash’ bag.

And that’s not all —  the golden age of transmog keeps getting better. With Dragonflight, we saw more newly added wardrobe choices labeled “cosmetic” than ever, meaning that even if they looked like plate, they could be worn by any class. This month’s Trading Post will see further class-based restrictions lifted.

Now that I know that I’m a fan of the new transmog rules, there’s more on the horizon I’m waiting for. Warbands only share reputation as far back as Dragonflight, but we have heard that the goal is to eventually merge all the way back to vanilla. When that happens, you’ll find me in Ahn’Qiraj, finally turning in all of the idols and scarabs I’ve been hoarding for the last thirteen years. What are your thoughts on the new transmog changes? Which old expansion’s clothes racks have you been raiding?

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Filed Under: Alt Army, Transmog, Warband

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