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The QueueOct 1, 2024 12:00 pm CT

The Queue: Fat Bear Week

While I excited it’s finally October so I can let my spooky freak flag fly, it’s also the best week of the entire year: fat bear week kicks off with the bracket reveal today. Who you got?

Rutherford Bear Hayes was unavailable for comment. Because he’s a bear, and doesn’t speak English.

This is The Queue, our daily column where you ask us the questions and the swarm of bats we’ve suddenly become will squeak out an answer.


Now that Waze has WoW Characters giving driving directions/alerts, who would be the best and worst (excluding Murlocs for both categories) WoW character at giving directions?

The best choice for a Waze/WoW tie-in voice is probably Moira Thaurissan. Consise, calm under pressure, and a slight accent so it’s tougher to ignore her. I usually use accented speech on Waze for this exact reason, and swap them around when I start getting too comfortable.

Weirdly, I feel like the worst would actually be Chromie. She would give directions like everyone’s out of touch in-laws, but way worse. “ok, now, turn left at the KMart. What do you mean you don’t see a KMart? Jenny’s kid worked there for three years in high school. You remember Kevin, he was always so good at math so that’s why they had him on register, because he could do the sums in his head so fast. Oh, it’s a Dollar Tree now. And you just missed it. Should’ve turned. I was very clear.” Only Chromie would also be making references to places that haven’t even been there yet and won’t for another couple decades. Total nightmare.


Q4tQ Are you planning to play Vessel of Hatred when it releases next week?

Only if I have access to a time machine wherein I’m allowed infinite time to play video games.

Though on second thought if I did have access to a time machine that would probably be the most selfish, irresponsible thing I could possibly do with it. So, that kinda tracks tbh.

Maybe I should get into contact with Chromie after all.


It’s so rare to see now, I just had a moment of looking at someone just sitting in the air on their flying mount in Dornogal and I wondered for a split second “how are they doing that?”

I’m just saying if mages can make a wholeass city float (rip) then my big fat bear should probably be able to follow my dragon. He’s very smart for a bear, after all. He’s trying to do Duolingo but it was made for entities with opposable thumbs.


Speaking of Hallow’s End… I noticed that this year’s event begins and ends a week later than usual – from October 25th until November 8th.

I’m guessing / hoping it’s because patch 11.0.5 is supposed to launch on October 22, and they want the event to be contained within that patch.

For me this is kind of odd for two reasons. One is that I start my Halloween Season-ing so early that by the time October is over I’m honestly kind of ready for it to be over. Continuing to bob for apples and all that when I’m cleaning for the holidays sounds miserable.

The other is that, though we already knew there wasn’t going to be a BlizzCon this year, to me that little slice of time just after Halloween is distinctly BlizzCon season. It seems incredibly strange to me to have it just be more Halloween, especially since we’ll be primed to celebrate all things Blizzard in addition because of the 20th anniversary this year. So. Feels weird, man.

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