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Discussion > Warcraft > WoWOct 3, 2024 8:00 am CT

How do you feel about the Alliance faction emphasis in The War Within?

The argument whether Blizzard favors Alliance or Horde narratively goes back to the game’s release and has never truly abated whether the expansion focused on the faction war (Battle for Azeroth) or saw it pushed aside entirely to deal with a common threat (Legion). While the arguments tend to be colored by your allegiance, The War Within may be the first time I’m not sure there’s a counter-argument to the idea that it’s essentially an Alliance expansion. Consider:

  • The first two zones are focused on the Earthen, a proto-Dwarf race, and the main communication with them occurs via Moira Thaurissan, Dagran Thaurissan II, and Magni Bronzebeard. Sure, once unlocked you can play Earthen as Horde, but in terms of the story this is pretty much an Alliance effort.
  • Not only is the third zone’s key inhabitants the Arathi — a human/elf hybrid offshoot — but the key NPC we accompany is Anduin Wrynn, the AWOL King of Stormwind. Horde Paladin NPCs like Lady Liadrin and Sunwalker Dezco do arrive in Mereldar but unless you look for them you’re not going to find them.
  • Speaking of the Arathi, the main new NPC whom we spend most of our time in Hallowfall with shares a last name with a key figure of the Alliance. Faerin Lothar is probably not directly related to the individual for whom King Wrynn is named, but just evoking Anduin Lothar is a pretty deliberate choice.
  • Finally two of the Alliance’s most important NPCs — Khadgar and Alleria — are front and center for the Campaign. Sure, Khadgar is effectively neutral as an NPC, but he’s still Human.

To be honest it wouldn’t surprise me if Horde players deliberately chose to spend all their time in Azj-Kahet.

All that said, Horde might be suffering a little neglect now because of a greater role going forward. While I doubt Alleria is going to take a backseat any time soon, there’s a sense that Gazlowe and the goblins we see in Azj-Kahet may be the prelude to a major patch zone of the Undercity. There’s also the Haranir who appear to share many characteristics with Trolls (although admittedly they share a few with Night Elves, too) and based on their presence in the marketing for The War Within one expects they’ll be a key culture we’ll have to work with in the future. Finally, you have to think Thrall is going to do something at some point.

What do you think? If you’re predominantly a Horde player are you bothered by all the Alliance emphasis? Or is this something you just don’t pay attention to?

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